Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Plains library offers 'Teen Video Challenge'

by Clark Fork Valley Press
| May 30, 2019 2:38 PM

Plains Public Library invites teens to participate in the 2019 Teen Video Challenge, a national video competition, as part of their summer reading program.

The challenge is for teens to create a public services announcement-type video that shows their unique interpretation of the national 2019 slogan, “A Universe of Stories.” Videos are to be no longer than 60 seconds and should promote libraries and reading.

Video entries will be accepted June 1 through Aug. 2, 2019.

The Plains Public Library is a member of the Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP), a consortium of libraries and state library agencies throughout the U.S., its territories, and the Cayman Islands. Members work together to provide high quality summer reading materials for public libraries to use in their summer programs with children, teens, and adults.

For full details about the CSLP 2019 Teen Video Challenge and find out how to enter, visit or visit the Plains library for assistance.