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A helping hand for neighbors

| November 15, 2019 1:09 PM


Saturday Oct. 12 and again on Saturday, Nov. 2, volunteers gathered to provide free firewood to many Mineral County community members in need. (Photo by Lance Jasper)


Jim Warnken rests atop a truckload of wood during a community volunteer effort to supply firewood to those whom needed the fuel for winter. (Photo by Lance Jasper)

Local group arranges firewood deliveries


For the Mineral Independent

In an accord of supporting their neighbors in need, volunteers young and old cut, loaded, stacked, and delivered firewood for two Saturdays this past month.

More than 20 cords of wood were distributed to homes from Haugan down to Alberton with the goal of assisting the elderly, sick, and financially burdened. “A lot of these people didn’t even know we were coming when we dropped off the wood,” Superior resident Dave Asay said. “One load we brought to a fella who’s had pneumonia and his wife recently passed, he’s had a really tough year.”

Asay and Lance Jasper, also of Superior, have been caretakers to an elderly woman near town for several years. In the process of bolstering her firewood for the winter ahead, Jasper thought there could be many more like her that need assistance.

Jasper arranged for two log truckloads of wood to be delivered, and Asay helped secure a location for the wood to be stored and processed before being allocated. Jasper’s wife, Darlene, took to Facebook posting about the upcoming wood day and called several churches to create a list of those who would benefit most.

A work crew was needed to move wood throughout the day, so Jasper contacted Richard Milender, a coach of the Mineral County Shooting Sports Team. Jasper offered firewood to be used as a means of fundraising for the team in exchange for a day’s hard work.

Milender’s daughter Bailey, a junior at Superior High School and a shootings sports participant, invested several hours during the workday.

Serving alongside friends made the day worth it, according to Bailey Milender.

“Doing it with people that made me happy and are good people, also I got to see that reaction and hear how it helped them,” she said.

Many of the shooting sports participants were also busy this time of year with football and volleyball but still took the time to come out and serve. The wood cutting party comprised of neighbors and friends who sacrificed time and energy to help those in need.

Between the huge crew of selfless workers and the reactions from those receiving the wood loads, “It was an amazing day and it felt really good to give back,” Asay said.

Craig and Deb Sheppard brought and operated their wood-processing machine and logging truck. Members of the Mineral County Shooting Sports team did the manual labor of moving, loading, and stacking wood into pickup trucks. The kids schlepped all day exclaimed Darlene Jasper; “they loaded truck after truck of firewood.”

“Pretty soon us old people stood back and let the kids take over,” Asay joked, “They were amazing and worked so hard, didn’t hear them complain or look bored.”

More than 20 volunteers lent a hand to sling wood, run chainsaws and operating equipment, and make deliveries around the county from 9 a.m. until dark the first Saturday of the operation. Twelve large pickup trucks were loaded and distributed Oct. 12. Deb Sheppard and Liz Asay kept the crew of workers fed with burgers and supplied coffee in return for manpower.

Along with the shooting sports team, Allan Labbe, Fred Fike, Bill Vigue, Jim Warnken, Perri Jasper, and the Milender family, also helped to organize the efforts and deliver the wood to members of the community.

“During one delivery an older lady burst into tears when the people showed up to give her the firewood,” Asay beamed.

Arrangements were made for a number of families to come to the wood cutting site and fill their pickups with what they needed.

“A lot of people were shocked. They couldn’t believe the wood was free!” Asay described of the responses to the community driven event.

One woman who needed a load wasn’t home, so the drop off team found her woodshed, and filled it up and she discovered the gift when she returned.

The Mineral County Shooting Sports Team has reserved some wood that they will be using as a fundraiser for their organization. To inquire about the firewood, please contact Richard Milender.