Mineral County Justice Report
Sept. 16, Anthony Aldridge, false log.
Sept. 16, Frederick Dewayne Billups, false log.
Sept. 16, Merlin Charles Allen, careless driving.
Sept. 16, Matthew Erik Walker, operating over-sized vehicle without permit.
Sept. 17, Ryan Edward Cox, operating vehicle without proper license plates.
Sept. 17, Douglas Keith Bachtel, failure to stop at AIS check station.
Sept. 18, Rosado Arcadio Gonzales, false log.
Sept. 18, Petr A. Mikshanskiy, false log.
Sept. 18, Zhamshid Abdullayevich, false log.
Sept. 18, Christopher Robert Lee, driving on closed road/trail on state forest.
Sept. 18, Danny Davis, careless driving.
Sept. 18, Sharon LaVonne Lincoln, construction zone violation.
Sept. 18, Aaron Alexander Blaska, speeding.
Sept. 13, James Michael Miller, reckless driving, failure to give notice of accident, littering.
Sept. 16, Fuata Mamao Samuela, no vehicle insurance.
Sept. 16, Daryl W. Buescher, driving commercial vehicle with .04 BAC.
Sept. 17, Rhiannon Nicole Smith, speeding.
Sept. 19, Joseph Paul Cenquigrana, driving without valid license, DUI.
Dismissed by Prosecution
Sept. 18, Joseph Ray Orton, assault on peace officer.