Monday, February 24, 2025

Victim advocates recognize Crime Victims Rights Week

Mineral Independent | April 15, 2020 4:51 PM

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have more time on their hands than they may ever have had as working adults.

While some may have accomplished productive tasks, there are dark sides to this sequester with family abuse near the top.

Domestic violence goes up whenever families spend more time together, such as the Christmas and summer vacations.

“In general, the quarantine intensifies existing relationships. Most of us do not spend 24/7 with ANYONE. There are lots of people I LOVE that I can hardly make it through Thanksgiving with,” said Mary Furlong, Mineral County Healthy

Relationships Community Educator.

She is also a Community Based Advocate for Mineral County Helpline, 822-4202. “Helpline is more likely to provide services to those who are not ready to leave or don’t plan to leave, get information and support in a safe manner. We can help with nights in a motel, transportation, medical referrals, mental health, safety plans, and just someone who listens.

“Most families experiencing violence turn to trusted family or church members for support.”

Furlong is also a partner in the Mineral County Crime Victims Advocate team that is overseen by Ellen Donahue, Mineral County Attorney.

Jessica Schaak is one of two crime victim advocates who handles all crimes (burglary, theft, criminal endangerment, arson, DUI crashes, etc.), with Patti Curtin focusing on domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking.

So many of these offenses are thought not to exist in Mineral County, but there are times they do occur.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week is April 19-25 but unfortunately because of social distancing there will not be an open house or program to learn more.