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Police log: Fires, thefts, cow enjoys its freedom and semi drivers battle it out

| April 22, 2020 7:24 PM

April 8

Deputies responded to a theft in St. Regis, the case is under investigation.

Deputies responded to a fire near the old school and the case was turned over to the fire department.

Deputies responded to a fire in an alley in Superior, the fire department was called and fire was put out.

April 9

Deputies responded to a traffic complaint and a citation was issued.

Deputies responded to a welfare check on a male and everything was found to be OK.

Deputies were requested for a civil standby. There were no issues and deputies were clear of the scene.

EMS was called for a female who was having pain and she was taken to Mineral Community Hospital.

Someone reported a stray cow on Westfall Road. Deputies responded but since Bessie wasn’t on I-90 she was left to roam because this is a free range state.

EMS responded to a male who had an accident with a chain saw and he was taken to the Mineral Community Hospital.

Deputies and Superior fire responded to a fire on Mullan Road East. The fire was contained.

April 10

St. Regis QRU and Superior ambulance responded to a male that had fallen and hit his head. He was taken to the Mineral Community Hospital.

Frenchtown fire responded to a “controlled” burn that got away from the owner and damaged the neighbor’s property. Deputies were called to the scene.

Deputies responded to St. Regis River where there was a report of someone fishing. Deputies advised the person that fishing on the river was still closed.

Deputies investigated a report of an unauthorized use of a motor vehicle a man took without permission to

Missoula. Missoula police department was notified of where the vehicle was located and recovered it.

April 13

Deputies responded to a theft that occurred in St. Regis at the mini storage. It is under investigation.

The stray cow was at it again, but it was permitted to roam because it had done nothing criminal.

Deputies responded to a small child walking by the river alone. Deputies were able to reunite the family.

Deputies and Search and Rescue were called out as an elderly man who wandered off. The search went throughout the night, but he was found the next morning and taken to the Mineral County Hospital.

April 14

Deputies responded to an assault that happened on I-90 between two semi drivers. The investigation is ongoing.

EMS responded to an elderly female who was having difficult time breathing. She was taken to Mineral Community Hospital.

Deputies responded in Alberton to assist in having a male removed from a home. The male left peacefully and was able to recover his property.