Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Mineral County Airport gets grant money for new hangar

Mineral Independent | April 29, 2020 2:45 PM

Steve Temple, Mineral County Airport Manager, announced that the airport is the recipient of $20,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration.

The money is part of an overall emergency aid package of $73.8 million awarded to 71 airports in Montana in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This was a nice surprise that came from out of the blue,” he said. Temple said there are already plans for investment.

The grant funding is part of the newly created Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Airport Grant Program.

“Odds are that our airport did not suffer much, if at all, from the pandemic, but being equal in all parts, the share received is appreciated,” Temple said. “The hangers that are owned by the County Airport and are now 100% rented out which allows us to qualify for the

FAA funding of another three-bay hangar.”

The FAA has streamlined the application and grant-agreement process, and the funds will be available as soon as the airport sponsor executes a grant agreement.

“I don’t see us breaking ground for another year but it’s exciting that we have this on the horizon.”

Temple explained that grants like these are an effort of the FAA to help small airports. Infrastructures can be built with no debt upon completion and then they receive the benefits of the rent that supports the overall facility.

Does Mineral County Airport need more hangers for private aircraft?

“Well if you look at what we have, the silver hangers are all privately owned. The green ones are owned by the county. I had a call the other day from a guy in Missoula looking for a hanger to rent so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Temple went on to say that this airport can handle aircraft as large as the military C-130s and mentioned that last summer a C-5 Citation Jet used the airport’s resources.