Friday, March 14, 2025

Legals for August, 5 2020

| August 5, 2020 12:00 AM

The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Requests Input for Proposed Timber Sales PUBLIC NOTICE The Plains Unit of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation is developing plans for a proposed timber sale. The proposed sale would be known as the McCully Ridge Timber Sale. This proposed sale is located approximately 18 air miles northeast of Thompson Falls, MT on the divide between the Big Prairie Creek and Fishtrap Creek drainages, Section 4, Township 23 North, Range 27 West. This sale is in the earliest stages of planning and would most likely involve seed tree and shelterwood harvests with ground and cable-based logging systems. This sale may require new and/or reconstruction of roads and would include some minor improvements on existing roads. This sale would likely sell in the summer of 2021 and is projected to generate approximately 2.5 - 3.5 million board feet of timber for the Common Schools Trust. This sale is being considered to generate revenue for the Common Schools Trust Fund, improve forest health by reducing the possibility of insect and disease activity, to reduce excessive fuel loading and the related risk of wildfire, and to reestablish and promote timber types historically found in these areas. These proposed harvests would contribute to the DNRC's sustained yield as mandated by state statute 77-5-222. As an adjacent landowner or interested party, we request your input regarding these projects. Your concerns and comments are needed to assist the DNRC in planning, analyzing, and implementing these projects. We would appreciate your response by October 31, 2020 so that we may incorporate it into our planning process. Please send comments to: DNRC Plains Unit, ATTN: Dale Peters, PO Box 219, Plains, MT 59859 or by email to or by phone at 406-826-4722. Please direct oral or written comments to: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation PO Box 219 Plains, Montana 59859 Attn: Dale Peters (406) 826-4722 E-mail: Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on July 29 and August 5, 2020. MNAXLP

The Trustees of Noxon Public Schools SD#10 will be holding their 2020-2021 Fiscal Budget Meeting on Thursday, August 13th, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose room. Any taxpayer in the district may appear at the meeting and be heard for or against any part of the budget. As out lined in 20-9-115, MCA, this final budget meeting may be continued from day to day until the final adoption of the district's budget on or before August 25th. Copies of the preliminary budget will be available at the meeting. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on August 5th, 2020. MNAXLP