Friday, March 14, 2025

Justice Court

| February 6, 2020 1:45 PM

Jan. 23, Weidong Chen, speeding

Oct. 9, 2019, Rocky Alan Barton, speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol-1st offense, Jan. 24, fail to carry proof or exhibit/insurance in vehicle-owner operator-1st offense

Jan. 23, Ligeia A. Reinhardt, speeding

Jan. 23, Steven Ray Thompson, speeding,

Jan. 23, Chad Edward Henning, seatbelt violation

Jan. 23, Luke William Hutchison, speeding

Jan. 25, Waden Edward Fultz, seatbelt violation

Jan. 23, Leonard Robert Angermund, speeding

Jan. 22, Corey Alan Lindsay, speeding

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Jan. 22, John Eric Fickas, driving without a valid driver’s license, owner permitting operation of vehicle without liability insurance-1st offense

Jan. 21, Carly Marie Fitchett, operating without liability insurance in effect-1st offense

Motor Carrier Services

Jan. 23, Brian Lee Reynolds, operate without over-dimensional (size) permit

Jan. 22, Brad Allen Jeske, operating with expired registration-failure to reregister