Thursday, February 13, 2025

Legals February 12, 2020

| February 12, 2020 5:00 AM

The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Requests Input for a Proposed Timber Permit PUBLIC NOTICE The Plains Unit of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation is developing plans for a proposed timber salvage permit. This proposed permit would be known as the Henry Divide Salvage Timber Permit. This proposed timber salvage permit is located approximately 7 air miles east of Plains, MT in the Camas Creek drainage, Section 36, Township 20 North, Range 25 West. This permit would likely sell in the spring of 2020 and is projected to generate approximately 500 thousand board feet of timber for the Common Schools Trust. This timber salvage permit is being considered to generate revenue for the Common Schools Trust Fund, improve forest health by salvage of insect and disease activity, to reduce excessive fuel loading and the related risk of wildfire, and to reestablish and promote timber types historically found in these areas. The proposed harvest would contribute to the DNRC's sustained yield as mandated by state statute 77-5-222. As an adjacent landowner or interested party, we request your input regarding this project. Your concerns and comments are needed to assist the DNRC in planning, analyzing, and implementing this project. We would appreciate your response by March 13, 2020 so that we may incorporate it into our planning process. Please send comments to: DNRC Plains Unit, ATTN: Dale Peters, PO Box 219, Plains, MT 59859 or by email to or by phone at 406-826-4722. Please direct oral or written comments to: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation PO Box 219 Plains, Montana 59859 Attn: Dale Peters (406) 826-4722 E-mail: Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on February 5, 12, 2020. MNAXLP

The Sanders County Educational Services Cooperative will soon destroy special education/speech-language therapy records of former students who have been out of school for approximately 8 years, or who will reach the age of 26 by June 1st, 2020. Former students may contact the Sanders County Educational Services Cooperative, P.O. Box 1448, Thompson Falls, MT 59873 within sixty days of this notice if they wish to obtain the information contained in them. Please be reminded that these records may be needed for social security benefits or other purposes. The information to be destroyed shall NOT include data collected on a routine basis that is maintained on all school children (such as the student's name, address, telephone number, grade level completed/year completed). The data to be destroyed shall include information regarding identification, location, evaluation, and other items directly related to special education services which the student received. Persons having questions about this process or wishing to request that special education/speech-language therapy records be destroyed may contact the Sanders County Educational Services Cooperative at 406-827-3007 for assistance. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on February 12 19, 2020. MNAXLP

REQUEST FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Sanders County is now reviewing a request for floodplain development permit in the 100 year floodplain of the Clark Fork River. The project is to mitigate bank degradation, located at 376 River Rd. W, in Section 20, T20N. R26W. Any person with questions, wanting further information or wishing to submit comments about this project, please contact the Sanders County Floodplain Administrator at the Land Services Department in the County Courthouse, PO Box 519, 1111 Main Street Thompson Falls, MT 59873, Phone 827-6965 or Comments must be received by March 6, 2020. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on February 12, 2020. MNAXLP

PUBLIC NOTICE This is to notify all interested parties that Sanders County Council on Aging will be requesting financial assistance from the Montana Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration. The Council on Aging is applying for a Transportation Administrative/Operating grant in the amount of $138,443. The grant is funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and administered by the Montana Department of Transportation. The application is on file at 203 Main Street, Hot Springs, MT. If requested, a public hearing will be held and public notice indicating the location, time and date of the hearing will be provided. For more information or for those who require accommodations for disabilities, contact the Council on Aging, 203 Main Street, PO Box 339, Hot Springs, MT Telephone: 406-741-2346. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on February 12, 2020. MNAXLP