Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Alberton Student Spotlight: Eryn Odell

by Amy Quinlivan Mineral Independent
| January 2, 2020 4:47 PM

Name: Eryn Odell

Graduation: May 2020

How long have you lived in Alberton? I moved to Alberton with my older brother and parents just before my second birthday in 2003. We’ve been in the same house ever since.

What are your plans following high school? I will be attending the University of Montana beginning Fall 2020, aiming for a dual degree in business and art. With those degrees, I hope to someday open a tattoo parlor.

What is something you are looking forward to right now? I cannot wait until I’m able to move out of my parents’ house and live on my own. I want a kitty cat, and my mom is allergic to them. I’m going to rescue him and name him Beanz.

What are some of your passions? I’m passionate about mental health and having a positive and peaceful state of mind. I think it’s very important to be at peace with yourself and in tune with your mind and body. I’m also passionate about my art and trying new things with it. I want to explore different art mediums so that I can be more fully developed as an artist.

Imagine you could relive one day of your life. Which day would it be? Why? I would relive the day my Dad and I went to see Dan Howell and Phil Lester on tour in Seattle on June 18, 2016. I was so happy that day, and everything was right in my little 14-year-old mind.

What is something popular now that annoys you? Politics drive me crazy! The massive divide between the right and left and diehard beliefs of each of the opposing sides makes it impossible to have any civil discourse. Even if you manage to engage someone in a civil conversation, it’s not worth it, because you quickly realize that neither side will ever change their mind. It’s important to try to view things from EVERYONE’S perspective, and that’s what makes politics so frustrating.

Who are you closest friends at this point in your life? What do you do together? The people I’m closest to at this point are my boyfriend, Cypress Adams; my closest friends Savanna Gould, Hayleigh Notley, Melicia Buxton, and Brian Perrine; and my parents, Brad and Jaime Odell. With my friends, we like to go shopping at thrift stores, cruise around in our cars, and just do whatever our crazy hearts desire. My parents and I do a lot of community service and personal projects. I make my boyfriend do everything with me.

Any projects you’re currently working on? I’m working on fixing up the resource room in the elementary school with my best friend, Savanna Gould. We’re trying to organize and paint the room, and overall just make it a more helpful and pleasant space.

What was a highlight of 2019 for you? The highlight of 2019 for me was, as lame as it may sound, when my boyfriend and I decided to be a couple on June 25.

Do you have any resolutions for the New Year? I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions. I strongly believe that if you really want to change something, you will do it. You don’t need to wait for the new year to do something about it.