Monday, March 03, 2025

Sanders County Justice Court

| January 9, 2020 5:34 PM


Highway Patrol

Dec. 11, Ashley Amber Petri, Habitual offender operating motor vehicle

Dec. 11, Logan Reed Goodwin, driving under the influence of alcohol-2nd offense. Operating without liability insurance in effect-1st offense

Dec. 11, Raige Michael Steinebach, reckless driving-1st offense, unlawful possession of open alcoholic beverage container in motor vehicle on highway, operating without liability insurance in effect-4th or subsequent offense

Dec. 12, Edward Gordon Carhart, operating without liability insurance in effect-1st offense, driving without a valid drivers license, operate a vehicle which has not been properly registered, driving under the influence of alcohol-1st offense

Dec. 12, Connor Nelson Perry, speeding

Dec.11, Devin Clarklysander Williams, careless driving, seatbelt violation,

Dec. 12, Michael Anthony Zinn, speeding

Dec. 12, Jermy Rogerpaul Baxter, seatbelt violation

Dec. 13, Abby Delayne Coleman, fail to keep vehicle under control on mountain highway

Dec. 12, David John Galarneau, seatbelt violation

Dec. 13, Kevin John Bueltmann, speeding

Dec. 12, Shannon Maria Johnson, speeding

Dec. 12, John Henry Breuer, operating with expired registration-failure to reregister

Dec. 12, Bradley Garner Halvorson, Speeding

Dec. 23, Hannah Paloma Hernandez, careless driving

Dec. 12, Dalton Clay Hooten, fail to have vehicle equipped with mud flaps / fenders / splash aprons as required

Dec. 10, Matthews Mark Alan, speeding

Dec. 12, Audrey Kolbeck, speeding

Dec. 12, Norman Ray Kloehn, seatbelt violation

Dec. 10, Timothy Richard Copperstone, speeding

Dec. 10, Michelle Nicole Sebern, speeding

Dec. 14, Brandon Lee Bourland, seatbelt violation

Dec. 19, Brent Laymon Nelson, driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked 1st offense, Aug. 14, seatbelt violation

Dec. 17, Richard Calvin Camp, speeding

Dec. 19, Bruce Alan Gaul, speeding

Dec. 18, Terry Lynn Wood, speeding

Dec. 18, Juanita Miller Deardorff, seatbelt violation

Dec. 17, Philip Alexander Collier, seatbelt violation

Sanders County

Sheriff’s Office

Dec. 9, Isaak Mosby Pearson Layman, speeding

Aug. 8, Kent Craig, operating with expired registration-failure to reregister

Dec. 12, Colleen Elizabeth West, theft – obtain or exerts unauthorized control over property-1st offense

Dec. 11, Tyler James Morkert, partner or family assault, causing bodily injury to partner or family member-1st offense

Dec. 10, Kyah Linn Sullivan, speeding

Dec. 11, Devin Clarkysander Williams, speeding

Dec. 11, Oleg Vladimer Morozov, speeding, owner permitting operation of vehicle without liability insurance-1st offense

Dec. 12, Nicole Marie Woods, speeding

Dec. 12, Adam J. Ogle, speeding

Dec. 12, Melody Ann Rogers, speeding

Dec. 18, Danielle Erica Bednarcik, tobacco possession or consumption, under 18 years-1st offense

Dec. 19, Monica Lynn Medhus, speeding

Montana Fish,

Wildlife & Parks

Dec. 9, Sean David Richter, violation of commission or department orders or rules

Sanders County Attorney

Dec. 11, Davina Sierra Brown, disorderly conduct


Police Department

Dec. 11, Mitchell Lee Russell Stuart, reckless driving-1st offense

Motor Carrier Services

Dec. 11, David Ray Gillock, operating with expired registration-failure to reregister

Dec. 17, Leslie Neil Michels, operating with expired registration-failure to reregister