Sunday, February 23, 2025

Legals for July, 1 2020

| July 1, 2020 12:00 AM

PUBLIC NOTICE Town of Plains will conduct a public meeting on July 6, 2020 at 6 pm at Town Hall at 101 West Lynch. The purpose of the meeting is to obtain public comments regarding the Town's Amended Wastewater Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) and proposed wastewater treatment improvement project. During the meeting, the recommended wastewater treatment relocation alternative will be discussed as well as schedule and financing for the project. Comments may be given at the meeting or further comments may be submitted in writing before 4:30 P.M. on July 6, 2020. Address all written comments to the Town of Plains, Public Works Department, PO Box 567, Plains, MT 59859. For more information regarding this meeting please contact Dan Rowan, Mayor, at 406-826-3411. All facilities are handicap accessible. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on June 24 and July 1, 2020. MNAXLP

INVITATION TO BID Separate sealed bids for construction of 1ST STREET WEST - WATER IMPROVEMENTS will be received by the Town of Plains until 4pm July 6, 2020 then publicly opened and read aloud at the TownHall. In person: 101 West Lynch - Plains, Montana 59859 By mail: P.O. Box 567 - Plains, Montana 59859 The project consists of: approximately 1000 LF of water main, installation of new fire hydrants; replacement of service lines and curb stops; surface restoration including asphalt and gravel. The Contract Document consists of Drawings and Project Manual and is available in electronic or printed form. The Contract Document may be viewed and printed from the following Plans Exchanges. Northwest Plans Exchange (2303 Hwy2 East, Kalispell, MT 59901), Missoula Plans Exchange (201 North Russell, Missoula , MT 59801). Bidder is responsible to ensure the printed Contract Document is a complete set and to verify all Addendum have been received prior to bidding. A printed copy may be purchased at Plains Town Hall at 101 West Lynch - Plains, Montana 59859 for a non-refundable $25. All questions are to be directed to Shari A Johnson Engineering & Associates (email:; 406-261-3019). There will be a Pre-Bid Conference at the Plains Town Hall at 101 West Lynch - Plains, Montana 59859 at 11am, June 30, 2020. Interested Contractors are encouraged to attend. Contractor and any of the Contractor's subcontractors bidding or doing work on this project will be required to be registered with the Montana Department of Labor and Industry (DLI). Forms for registration are available from the Department of Labor and Industry, P.O. Box 8011, 1805 Prospect, Helena, Montana 59604-8011. Information on registration can be obtained by calling 1-406-444-7734. Preference is given to Montana Contractors according to MCA 18-1-102. Contractor is required to be registered with the DLI prior to bidding on this project. All laborers and mechanics employed by Contractor or subcontractors in performance of the construction work shall be paid, for each wage classification, the higher of either the Montana Prevailing Wage Rates or the Federal Davis-Bacon Prevailing Wage Rates. The Contractor must ensure that employees and applicants for employment are not discriminated against on the basis of their race, creed, color, age, religion, sex, physical or mental disabilities, or national origin and must show affirmative action to ensure Equal Employment Opportunities. Each bid or proposal must be accompanied by a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond payable to the TOWN OF PLAINS, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. The successful bidder shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Materials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. Insurance, as required by specifications, shall be provided by the successful bidder and a certificate(s) of that insurance shall be provided and approved. This project is funded in part or in whole with grant/loan funding from the Montana State Revolving Fund. Award of the project will be contingent upon receiving funding and award concurrence from project funding agencies. No bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled time for the public opening of bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals received, to waive informalities, to postpone the award of the contract for a period of not to exceed sixty (60) days, and to accept the lowest responsive and responsible bid which is in the best interest of the Town. The Town of Plains is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on June 24 and July 1, 2020. MNAXLP