Thursday, March 06, 2025

Living in the present

| June 4, 2020 1:23 PM

How many times have you heard people say, or how many times have you said “Where has the week gone?” or “I can’t believe another year has come and passed”.

Life is filled wit distractions, some positive, some negative. In this very hectic, complex demanding world, time has a way of barreling forward.

But how many of us take the time to enjoy the “moment”?

The moment is what you have.

Regretting yesterday and wishing for tomorrow is not productive and will drain vital energy from you. You cannot bring back what is lost. You cannot have what does not yet belong to you. Honoring each moment brings you into genuine inner connection and awareness.

We become more mindful of our surroundings and experience life more fully when we take time to savor the moment. As an example, for the next week pay attention to each moment, each situation.

When practical, try to include as many of the the five senses (vision, auditory, taste, smell and touch) as possible. What you will discover is time moves more slowly when you focus on the moment.

Each act becomes more meaningful and pleasurable because you are more attentive to each action. Try this with a meal, or a walk, or watching children or an animal. The process of life becomes the centralized theme and reaching the end goal becomes less important.

When you start practicing mindfulness you will experience a consciousness and an awareness of each day. You will discover a wonderful feeling of “being in your life.”

Your memory will be a lot clearer. You will actually remember what you did on Tuesday or Thursday. You will no longer feel rushed.

By slowing down, you will have time to think, to reflect, to make clearer decisions, to connect within and with others in a more peaceful, more real way. When something upsets you, you can quickly identify feelings and connect to the reasons for your reactions.

Living in the present does not mean you have no need to plan for the future. Being in the present is what will guide you to your future. If you visualize in this moment what you want to happen in the future, you can begin to create it.

The creation is a process of being in touch and in tune with your wishes, needs and desires.

Staying grounded, aware and in the present takes effort. There is a tendency when something feels uncomfortable to ignore it. By avoiding the present reality, you miss the opportunity to resolve the conflict.

Chances are you will probably end up carrying it around with you. Your time and energy will be deleted.

Staying unconscious is a decision to hide from your life. Take care of your life now, pay attention, figure it out, resolve what you need to and then let it go.

Living in the present is a choice to SEE, HEAR, FEEL, AND EXPERIENCE.

When you succeed at this you will find yourself more grounded, centered and fulfilled.

Dr. Leta A. Livoti Ph.D., LCSW, LCPC is a psychotherapist practicing in Thompson Falls. She can be contacted at 827-0700.