Friday, March 14, 2025

Legals for June, 17 2020

| June 17, 2020 12:00 AM

EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE FOR FLOODPLAINS AND/OR WETLANDS June 17, 2020 The Town of Plains, Montana, is considering a project to relocate the wastewater treatment lagoon facility to a location outside of the floodplain as a CDBG project under the Montana CDBG program. Other potential federal funders include USDA Rural Development and FEMA. The access road and underground utilities will cross the 100 year floodplain to get to the new site. The portion of the access road/utility corridor in the floodplain will be 30ft wide and approximately 2000LF. The Town of Plains is interested in discussing alternatives to the portions of the project in the floodplain and receiving public comment regarding possible adverse impacts that could result from the project and suggestions for how to mitigate them. A public hearing is scheduled at 6:00pm on July 6, 2020 at Town Hall to discuss the proposed project. Please attend or send written comments to: Dan Rowan, Mayor as the Environmental Certifying Officer at PO Box 567, Plains MT. Comments will be received until July 6, 2020. A full description of the proposed action may be reviewed at Plains Town Hall 101 West Lynch - Plains, Montana 59859. Town Hall is open from 8am to 5pm. Town Hall 406-826-3411. Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on June 17, 2020. MNAXLP