Thursday, March 06, 2025

DeBorgia School House holds successful bake sale

Mineral Independent | June 17, 2020 6:59 PM

Residents in the west end of Mineral County have a can-do spirit that keeps on going even during a pandemic.

The Old DeBorgia School House is the epicenter for most civic activities including town hall meetings, a flu-shot clinic each autumn, Christmas tree lighting with caroling and hot chocolate and the official polling station for elections.

Built in 1908, it was one of only a few buildings that survived the Great Burn of 1910 in DeBorgia. The building is spic and span and decorated in festive flare for whatever the season holds with a dedicated group of volunteers who would make Rosie the Riveter beam with pride.

One way they raise money is each September, three days are set aside for about 12 people in assembly line fashion making apple pies that are preordered but always some for those who forgot to call in their request.

They are well known for their spaghetti feed on the Friday night before the opening of the general big game season and the St. Patrick corned beef and cabbage dinner each year.

These are two of their biggest fundraisers to keep the school ship shape as the Community Center.

“We had to cancel the St. Patrick event and our three-day yard sale so this goodie sale is to help with some of the lost revenue due to COVID-19,” said Lynette Walters who has taken over as president for two years as of June 1.

Twenty different families were involved on June 10 with baked goods, jams and jellies, cinnamon rolls, Gigi’s Special Seasoning in shaker jars, jigsaw puzzles and DVDs ($10 for a buck) and the quilt raffle which will be drawn July 1. It’s a beautiful handmade quilt full of color with vibrant blue hues that was donated by one of the Happy Homemakers.

That is the original name of the group, which they still use, but officially they became the DeBorgia School Foundation once they became a non-profit.

They meet on the second Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. of each month and are exploring in new fundraising ideas. Grants are how they have resurfaced the kitchen floor, put more insulation into the ceiling and refurbished the original wood stove.

Lots of volunteer time and elbow grease with everyone pitching in to keep this landmark standing proud and tall.

About the quilt raffle? Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5 at the Montana Bar in Saltese and the Hideout in DeBorgia or at or Facebook.