Thursday, February 13, 2025

Deborgia ladies celebrate Leap Year

by Amy Quinlivan Mineral Independent
| March 4, 2020 6:20 PM


The fourth annual Ladies Luncheon at the Deborgia Schoolhouse saw its largest attendance this year. (Amy Quinlivan/Mineral Independent)

What better way to spend the extra day of this leap year than with friends, food, fellowship and some bling?

That was the theme of this year’s ladies luncheon held at the Deborgia Schoolhouse on Feb. 29.

Sharon Korteum, a Deborgia resident for over 40 years, is one of the organizers to this community gathering.

“This is such a good time of year to get together, the holidays are over, we’re all sick of winter and getting cabin fever!” Sharon said.

Twenty-three women joined, donning their finest jewelry, and sharing homemade dishes. Sparkly table arrangements greeted guests in the schoolhouse that bustled with conversations and echoes of ladies laughter.

This is truly “social networking.”

Naomi Stevens also from Deborgia, is a co-chair of the fourth annual luncheon held at the schoolhouse. She said the gathering was a fun success.

“It was really good. Most attendees were repeats, but there were some new faces too. I think this was our largest group yet,” Stevens said.

Through the years as the women in this secluded end of Mineral County strive to make connections the activities may have changed but the camaraderie is still the same.

Korteum explained the idea behind the luncheon.

“This goes back to days when young moms living in the area would load up and take turns driving the old station wagons over to the big city of Kellogg, Idaho for grocery shopping,” she added. “When we were there we’d have to get lunch together and catch up.”

This evolved to ladies taking turns hosting dinner parties or using the schoolhouse building for groups like a quilting guild, and annual holiday gatherings.

Although times have changed and local women no longer meet for the latest gossip over stitches, the purpose of the luncheon was to instill a sense of belonging.

“Here’s to all of us ladies, who work hard to make it through these tough Montana winters, we shovel, and cook, and take care of our families, we’re here for each other. Cheers!” Korteum cheerfully toasted.

Linda Zimmer came from Superior and invited her friend Phyllis White who was one of the original Happy Homemakers from the area. It was her first time coming to this occasion however, White said, “It was sort of last minute deciding what to make, and finding a gift, and what to wear. But I’m so glad I came.”

Thoughtful gifts were exchanged, and then playfully swiped from one another during the white elephant game.

Votes were then cast for the Beautiful Ladies Best Bling Award; Shirley Iwatta from Superior won the title and a homemade trophy with her shimmering sequin jacket.

While it will be another year until the next ladies luncheon, the pubic is encouraged to gather at the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at the Deborgia Schoolhouse Tuesday, March 17 from 4-7 p.m.