Monday, February 24, 2025

Facebook page started to help those in need locally

by Clark Fork Valley Press
| March 26, 2020 9:39 AM

The community of Plains is working to help those in need during the COVID-19, or coronavirus, pandemic.

As part of an effort to support the entire community, a Facebook page has been set up where people can post their needs or the needs of other community members. Page members and the general public can read those needs and help fulfill them either directly or by connecting people to get those needs met.

“In these times of uncertainty due to the coronavirus our senior and disabled citizens are some of the most

vulnerable,” Plains resident Paula Ivy said. “If you know someone who needs help please encourage them to post on our Facebook page, ‘Plains MT Neighbors Helping Neighbors.’

“We will respond promptly. Additionally, if you are available to help someone else, please check our Facebook page regularly and let us know.”

Ivy said the outpouring of community involvement has been amazing. Within the first three days, the number of page members has grown to almost 400 members.

“Many people in the community have volunteered to pick up and deliver groceries, make washable/reusable face masks, and anything else they can do to help,” Ivy said.

If anyone has a need, please post on the page and someone will respond promptly.

Ivy said there is an effort to get a phone number for the page which would be manned by volunteers, whom would take calls from those whom don’t have internet access.

There is also a flyer at the Plains Post Office with a tear off slip for any one with a need to fill out and turn in to the postal clerk.

There have been several offers of assistance made in the few days since the grpup was started.

Some include businesses offering free food and overnight parking to truck drivers delivery essential supplies to area communities as well as delivery of goods or curbside pickup from grocers.

Others have come from citizens offering to pick up goods at area stores or those willing to help with virtually anything.