Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Mineral Co. schools plan their next steps

Mineral Independent | May 6, 2020 10:30 AM

As COVID-19 restrictions are eased, there is a light at the end of the tunnel after several weeks of home-confinement as life is beginning to return to normal. Or, the “new” normal we have been told to expect.

Each of the three school districts in Mineral County has a different plan of action to close out the 2019-2020 school year. School boards for each district approved their respective plans Monday, April 27.

As new information arrives or changes constantly, Facebook and their respective web sites have been excellent resources for keeping parents and students updated, and that will not change. The full reopening instructions for Superior School District can be found at www.ssd3.us.


May 4–June 4 (last day of school) The school will continue to make available grab-and-go meals and deliveries Monday-Friday from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

K-12: Teachers will be required to be onsite for three hours a day on a rotational basis. Primary teachers will report on Mondays and Wednesdays and intermediate teachers will report on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Staff will be required to wear recommended personal protective equipment and follow social distancing guidelines as directed by the Centers for Disease Control.

Teachers are to provide a minimum of two remote learning sessions per week via Google Meet for instruction. Teachers will offer support for individual learners during this time as well.

Teachers are expected to be available by email or online learning platform from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. every weekday. During this week teachers will begin planning a schedule for times to meet with students individually (digitally or in person) throughout the next week.

Graduation will be held Sunday, May 24. The ceremony will be dependent on social distancing guidelines set forth by the state. Although still in the planning phases, the school is considering a “drive-up” graduation outside on our football field. We will introduce each senior and have them walk across the “stage”, be recognized for any awards or scholarships, collect their diploma, have a chance for pictures, and leave the area before the next senior comes onto the field. Each senior will be allowed to have a small group on the field to share the moment.

Following the school ceremony, the plan is to have a parade through town to recognize the graduates, essentially bringing the celebration to town rather than having the town come to the ceremony. There will also be a live stream of the school ceremony on Facebook.


For Alberton School District full plans, go to www.alberton.k12.mt.us.

Through the last day of school, May 21, the school will continue to deliver to-go packs of meals, both breakfast and lunch, and instructional packets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Teachers will be encouraged to continue to work off-site, providing remote learning opportunities. They will be provided a protocol for end of the year checkout. When it is necessary for them to come to the school buildings, they will be asked to do so in a staggered fashion.

They are to communicate with school administration their intentions of when they plan to enter the buildings, as that has a direct impact on maintenance and their duties. They will be required to wear masks at all times and maintain the CDC recommended social distance of six feet from other individuals.

Maintenance staff will continue to work on projects and will sanitize areas that are entered by staff and/or the public.

All students will continue to participate in remote learning. All school-issued textbooks and large materials must be returned Wednesday, May 13, and Chromebooks should be checked in by Wednesday, May 20 during the drop off/pickup times.

Special Considerations: There will be a strict no gathering policy at the school. Groups of 10 or less will be permitted as long as social distancing guidelines can be ensured. Due to the uncertainty of the future, the school will continue to plan a Senior Parade Graduation Ceremony with virtual speakers and participation.

High school graduates will drive down Parkway and Railroad Ave. at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 17, park at the football field, and resume watching the graduation over Google Meet.

Restrooms will have a spray disinfectants conveniently located. Upon each use, it will be expected of staff to spray down all areas in which they touched.

Pre-Kindergarten and kindergarten roundup is canceled this spring, but potential new students and their families are encouraged to call 406-722-4413 to register.

Lockers and student desks will be cleared out, cleaned, and items returned to their owners in district deliveries.

St. Regis

Educational materials are being sent home, either in a packet or online, and should be treated as if school is in session. The assignments need to be completed. Teachers will be available via email to answer student questions. If students don’t score proficient, they will be assigned summer school or could be required to make up seat time - just as if school was in session.

The foyer at St. Regis School will be open from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. to pick up packets for elementary students and 7-12 students who don’t have access to the internet.

The library in Deborgia is open to drop off student homework packets. Packets can be picked up when meals are delivered between 10 a.m. and noon at the DeBorgia School House. Packets not picked up will be placed in the box in the library.

Breakfast and lunch will be delivered to the Deborgia School House and St. Regis School from 10 a.m.-noon.

Graduation will be held Monday, May 18 at the football field. A parade will begin at the golf course at 5:45 p.m. before traveling to the field. The final day of school is Friday, May 29

For other questions, call the school at 649-2311.