Friday, March 14, 2025

Legals for May, 13 2020

| May 13, 2020 12:00 AM

HVAC UNIT VENTILATOR REPLACEMENTS 300 NOXON AVENUE, NOXON, MT 59853 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Noxon School Public Schools is soliciting contractor services from mechanical contractors for a HVAC replacement project of 11 classroom unit ventilators at 300 Noxon Ave. The school is a multi-grade level K-12 school with original building having been constructed in 1960. The existing unit ventilators have exceed their useful life span and need to be removed and replaced with new units. The proposal is for unit ventilators equipment to be replaced along with electrical and low voltage controls per the Construction Drawings: UNIT VENTILATOR REPLACEMENT 100% Issue Dated May 12, 2020. The following are key dates of the project schedule. Due to time constraints of the project and long lead time of the equipment, the owner has negotiated the purchase of the Unit Ventilator equipment and pre-ordered it for this project. The successful contractor will be required to include the cost of the equipment in their bid submittal. Upon award of the contract, that bidder will be required to send a purchase order in the amount of $53,593.50 to Vemco Inc., 201 North Russell St., Missoula, MT 59801 or email a copy to The contact for this order is Dan Mahn at Vemco, Inc. and he can be reached at (406) 258-0334 if you have any questions. The current estimated delivery of the pre-ordered material is no later than July 17th, 2020. The contractor is responsible for all of the normal conditions for providing equipment, Inspecting for freight damage upon delivery, unloading, installation, warranty, etc. just as you would be on any job, the only difference is that the owner has already selected, approved and pre-ordered the Unit Ventilators in order to meet the tight time frame for completing the work. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Noxon Public Schools Administrative office until 5:00 PM on June 3rd, 2020. Electronic Bids will also be accepted until the same date and time. By providing a Proposal you are acknowledging that you have committed the labor to meet the following dates: Request for Proposal Issued: May 12, 2020 RFP Response Received: June 3, 2020 Proposals Opening & Contract Award: June 4, 2020 Unit Ventilator System Replacement Complete: August 14, 2020 RFP response and qualifications must be received by Noxon Public Schools by 5:00 PM on June 3, 2020. The Contractor shall comply with all fair labor practices and must meet the requirements of all local, state, and federal statuses including prevailing wage and hiring preferences. The contractor workforce is required to be comprised of at least 50% Montana residents for this project. Each bidder and Contractor is required to have a current and valid Montana Contractors Registration and Montana Contractors license, as applicable, in the proper classification for the work bid, and such registration and license must remain valid throughout the period of the contract. No bidder may withdraw his bid for at least 30 days after the scheduled time of bid receipt. The successful bidder will furnish an approved Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract. Bids must be accompanied by a bidders bond equal to ten percent (10% ) of the total bid as defined by state law. The Noxon School District No. 10 reserves the right to reject and and/or all bids, to waive any and/or informalities or technicalities and to act in the best interest of the Noxon School District No. 10. Full bidding documents and description of the project are available from the Owner's Representative. Bidders should also send Proposals to the Owner's Representative: Jonathan Martin, M. Ed Noxon Public Schools 300 Noxon Ave Noxon, Montana 59853 Engineer of Record: Engineering Economics, Inc. c/o Dwight Gray, PE, CCP 465 NE 181st Ave PMB 618 Portland, Oregon 97230 Optional Bid Walk-Through at the site by request during the week May 18, 2020. Coordinate with Noxon Public Schools: Dave Smith 406-847-2442 ext 214. Email: Dave Smith This RFP is for the permitting, construction and commissioning of the facility in accordance with the provided design. The mechanical contractor shall pay for and secure all required permits required. This RFP is for a Firm Fixed Price Contract. Reference Construction Documents: Unit Ventilator Replacement drawings Dated May 12, 2020. The RFP response should include, at a minimum, the following: Fee Proposal: Construction cost broken out buy base bide components described below. Proposed project staffing. Confirm equipment (Unit Ventilators and Controls) by manufacturer and models scheduled. Alternate pricing will be considered but base price shall assume providing equipment as scheduled. Electronic proposals are accepted to the Owner's Representative: Jonathan Martin Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on May 13, 2020. MNAXLP

MONTANA 20th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT SANDERS COUNTY In re the Marriage of: Richard D. Tewell, Petitioner and Laurie R. Tewell, Respondent. Case No: DR 20-04 Summons for Publication NOTICE TO: Laurie R. Tewell. You are named in a petition to dissolve your marriage. Unless you respond in 21 days, the court may decide against you without you being heard and give Petitioner everything asked for in the petition. You must submit your written response within 21 calendar days. The 21 day period starts the day after the last date of publication of this notice. If the final day falls on a weekend or court holiday, you may file your response on the next business day. You must file your written response with the Clerk of District Court at: P.O. Box 519, Thompson Falls, MT. 59873 and serve a copy of your answer on the Petitioner. The following real property is part of this case: Dated this 22 day of April, 2020. Candace Fisher Clerk of Court By: Miriam Smith Deputy Clerk Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on April 29, May 6 and May 13, 2020. MNAXLP