Saturday, March 08, 2025

Scotchman Peaks offers scholarships to graduating seniors

| November 25, 2020 12:00 AM

Clark Fork Valley Press

Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness will be awarding $250 scholarships to eight students throughout the North Idaho and Northwest Montana Scotchman region.

Scholarships will be awarded based on essays students submit with their application. The essay should be centered on a most memorable wilderness experience that helped shape the writer’s life.

While they don’t have to be set in a designated wilderness, they should show the personal impact of a trip into a wild country.

Take us along on quiet trails or bushwhacking into the backcountry where no motorized vehicles are to be found.

Whether the story involves camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, berry picking, or horseback riding or something else, it’s a wilderness-values experience if human influence on the land is minimal!

One winning student will be selected from Troy, Libby, Thompson Falls and Noxon, Montana. Four winning students will be selected from Bonner County schools. Check with your high school guidance counselor for the application and deadline details.