Wednesday, February 26, 2025

St. Regis students write letters to first responders

| October 7, 2020 12:00 AM


Mineral Independent

Some people reading this article remember where they were and what they were doing on Dec. 7, 1941.

More can remember Nov. 22, 1963. And most anyone who is reading this will recall where they were and what they were doing on Sept. 11, 2001.

2021 will mark 20 years when our world changed forever and continues to evolve or mutate as of recent with so much that can be traced back to that dreadful day.

“Although 9/11 was a horrific event I wanted to shed light on some of the positives that came from something that shattered many lives - and our first responders are one of those lights. Without them who knows how many more lives could have been lost that day,” said Sierra Ireland, fourth grade teacher at St. Regis School. "Since school often starts late August or early September this is one of the first important events teachers are faced with at school. It marks one of the most staggering events in American history. A day we all should never forget”.

This is Ireland’s second year of teaching at St. Regis and the second time she has had her students reach out to those who run into harm’s way to protect us.

“What a very nice surprise for all of us,” said Steve Temple, Fire Chief for the Superior Volunteer Fire Department.

Ireland’s class made and sent thank you cards to the department as well as emergency medical technicians and wildland fire fighters - whomever the students wanted to thank.

In young penmanship, one reads: "Dear Firefighters You are so nice because you save people from a fire in a house, and accidents. Thank you for keeping us safe. Love Jorga.’ It featured several colored hearts and drawings of fires and fire engines.

"Dear Fire Fighters you have been putting out fires and saving people lives a lot. You guys come right a way when there is a fire. thank you for what you do. Love, Jeffrey."

Temple said his crew read every one of the cards with smiles and laughter.

“We can feel under-appreciated at times but when a packet of kindness like this comes in, it easily becomes a bright spot in our day. I think now we need to bring them for a tour of our fire department,” he said.

“This is a project that is dear to my heart as I have many friends and family in past and present that worked/works as first responders or in the emergency field within Mineral County,” stated Ireland. “Their bravery and acts of selflessness should never go unrecognized. Thanking first responders is something we should do. My kiddos were so excited for this project - probably even more than I was! Even asking if they could write letters again on Veterans Day.”