Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Trout Creek bridge open to all travelers

| September 30, 2020 12:00 AM

Clark Fork Valley Press

The Clark Fork River Bridge near Trout Creek is fully open.

Bridge improvements included replacing the old bridge deck (driving surface) with precast concrete panels, adding new bridge railing and expansion joints, cleaning and spot painting the steel superstructure beneath the bridge deck, milling and overlaying the bridge approach (north & south) and adding new approach railing at each end of the bridge (north & south).

The asphalt approaches to the bridge will be chip sealed next summer to extend the life of the driving surface. The work is expected to take a few days to complete.

The Montana Department of Transportation and its contracting partners thanked Sanders County residents and the communities of Trout Creek, Noxon and Thompson Falls for their patience throughout construction of the project.

The bridge improvements will keep the bridge safely serving the local community and the state of Montana well into the future.

For more information about the project, contact Brandon Coates at (406) 465-3350, email or visit: