Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Spring gobbler season open; black bear begins April 15

| April 14, 2021 12:00 AM

Montana’s spring male turkey season opened April 10. Turkey hunters can purchase a turkey license for a general area at FWP offices, license providers or online. The application deadline for western Montana’s spring gobbler season permits has passed.

The 2021 spring turkey season regulations, with details on turkey hunting in the general area, are available at FWP offices, license providers and online at fwp.mt.gov.

Hunters should remember that when transporting a spring turkey in the state on Montana, one leg and foot must be naturally attached for evidence of sex. Montana law requires landowner permission for hunting on all private land.

FWP also reminds spring turkey hunters that all Upland Game Bird Enhancement Program enrollments are currently closed and only open during the fall hunting season.

Similarly, most Block Management Areas are also closed, but some remain open for spring turkey and spring bear opportunities. No shed hunting, hiking or other recreations are allowed on these properties without landowner permission. Be sure to check the FWP website for dates and locations these properties open.

Spring Black Bear Hunting Season Opens April 15

The spring black bear hunting season starts April 15.

Hunters need to be aware that black bears must be presented for in-person inspection and tagging within 10 days of harvest. The hide and skull must be presented in a condition that allows full inspection and tooth collection (i.e. unfrozen).

For local tagging information, contact the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks office nearest to you.

Three Black Bear Management Units have quotas and mandatory 48-hour reporting: Units 510, 520, and 700. When the quota is reached or approached in each of these districts, the black bear season in that district will close.

It's important to know the difference between grizzly bears and black bears. Black bear hunters in Montana are required to pass the Bear Identification test to obtain a black bear license. Montana's Bear Identification Program is intended to prevent the killing of grizzly bears as a result of mistaken identity by hunters.

For more information on black bear hunting, visit https://fwp.mt.gov/hunt/regulations/black-bear.