Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mineral County Fair Schedule

| August 4, 2021 12:00 AM


5-7 P.M. Entries Taken for Exhibits in the 4-H Building Exhibits


7-11 Methodist Men Pancake Breakfast – Fairgrounds

7- 8:30 Open Class Entries Taken

8- 8:30 Poultry Entries Accepted

8:45 A.M. Judges Orientation in front of 4-H Building

9:00 A.M. Judging in 4-H Building (Building Closed until 1 p.m.)

10 - Noon Horse and Poultry Judging

1:00 Dog Show

12- 2:30 Music by PJ Destiny

2 - 4 4-H Livestock Entries Accepted

4 - 6 TBA

6 - 7 Bingo

7 - 9 Family Night “In the Arena”

8 - 11 Music by: The Nightriders Band


7 - 11 Methodist Men Pancake Breakfast – Fairgrounds

9:00 4-H Livestock Judging Begins, Round Robin to follow immediately

9 - 11 Floriculture Entries Taken in the Superior High School

10 - 6 Cabin Fever Quilters 20th Annual Quilt Show

11:00 Floriculture Judging

11-12 Bingo

12-2:30 Music by Fleetwood Max

4-6 Bingo

8-10 Superior Lions Club “Go for The Gold” Rodeo

10-2 Music by: Laketown Sound


7-11 Methodist Men Pancake Breakfast

10-6 Cabin Fever Quilters 20th Annual Quilt Show

9:30-11 Lineup for Parade - Top of Mullan Road

11:00 Mineral County Parade – Top of Mullan Rd.

1-2 Bingo

1 4-H Livestock Auction

3 Living Water Worship Center – Kids Prizes Of Bikes/Wagons/Fishing Poles/Skateboards (Tickets distributed during the parade and after at the fairgrounds)

3:30-5 Talent Show

5-6 Bingo

6 Pick up Open Class & 4-H entries in 4-H Building.

6 Livestock and all other exhibits must be removed from the fairgrounds.

6 Pick up Premiums in the Fair Office

8-10 Superior Lions Club “Go for The Gold” Rodeo

10-2 Music by The Hankers

Food Booths open at 10 a.m. each day. All events arefree, except for the rodeo performances. Other events may be scheduled, please check at the fair office for further information. Rodeo tickets will be sold at NAPA, Ace Hardware, or the Lions Club beer booth.