Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Sanders County Justice Court

| August 11, 2021 12:00 AM

Montana Highway Patrol

July 29, Briana Beth Snyder, operating with alcohol concentration of 0.08% bac or greater-first offense

July 27, Heidi Anne Lane, speeding

July 29, James Michael Watson, speeding highway, driving without a valid driver's license-has never possessed

July 27, Payton William Frields, speeding

July 28, Jennifer Tina Eitelberg, speeding

July 27, Dorieann Ellen Jones, speeding

July 16, Pierre Alexandre Strohl, speeding

July 27, Haylee Colleen Hoff, speeding

July 28, Jennifer Lynn Peacock, speeding

July 29, Elizabeth Marie Dwyer, speeding

July 29, James Edward Jr. Milligan, speeding

July 27, Robert Edward Jr. Osborne, speeding

July 28, Dillon James Riffle, speeding

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

July 27, Erin M. Magee, driving without a valid driver's license

July 28, Linda S. Johnston, speed

July 28, Keri L. Wells, speeding

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

July 28, Adam F. Nelson, insufficient personal flotation devices

Aug. 1, Chad Nicholas Chabala, failure to stop at invasive species management area check station

Motor Carrier Services

July 29, Johnathan Earl Boehme, exceed 34,000 pounds tandem axle weight limit

July 31, Douglas Sherman Jr. Watson, driver failing to use seatbelt