Monday, March 10, 2025

Mineral County Sheriff's Office honors man for life-saving efforts

Mineral Independent | August 18, 2021 12:00 AM

Late in the evening of Dec. 2, 2018, Ron Drazen had just finished his shift at $50,000 Bar & Gift Shop and walked across the parking lot to the Silver Express Casino in Haugan for a drink.

Mineral County Sherriff Mike Toth then told the audience of about 20 people in the county commissioner's office what happened next.

“Many people were in there enjoying some Christmas cheer and one guy had a little bit too much to drink," Toth said. "The bartender (Tammy Schonhans) was doing her job by cutting him off, which the patron didn’t like. He became upset and threw a Christmas ornament at her when she said, ‘You need to leave right now!’”

At this point, Drazen stepped in and tried to diffuse the situation with the impaired patron by quietly talking with him, but to no avail.

Sherriff Toth continued with the story.

“He leaned over and pulled a .40 Glock pistol from his backpack and pointed it at the bartender. Ron grabbed his arm and got the pistol pointed toward the ceiling when two rounds were fired. Ron continues struggling with him as he still has the gun and takes him to the ground. The gun got knocked away and by then, other

customers came to assist Drazen by jumping on the guy and one of the citizens secured the weapon.

"Everybody held him down until the deputies arrived on the scene and took control of the suspect.”

Sherriff Toth told his deputies when he started that he had a vison for this department and the community where he wanted to show appreciation toward those who stand up and make a difference. Sgt. Ryan Funke brought this incident to his attention and reported that there hadn’t been any recognition to Ron Drazen even though this happened a few years ago.

As soon as Sheriff Toth read the incident report, he said this was a no-brainer. This is exactly the type of heroism he wants to make public with a small ceremony and presentation of a Certificate of Appreciation.

“The man shot a gun, twice. In a small bar area. A lot of people would have run or ducked down. Ron, not thinking of his own safety, steps in front of the guy and fights him to the

ground risking his own life and probably saved the bartender's life. You did an amazing job, Ron,” Toth said while they shook hands. He then presented Drazen with a Citizen Life Saving Award certificate from the county and a gift certificate for Quinn’s Hot Springs Resort. “This is what Mineral County is all about. Just like the missing woman we’re searching for, everyone steps up in this county. I saw that years ago when I was a deputy and that’s what brought me back here,” Toth said.

Drazen, being very humble, said it was just the right thing to do.

“It was just a natural instinct. I’ve never been in anything like that before. I just didn’t want anybody to get hurt.”

His mother and stepfather were at the ceremony and beaming with pride. Drazen has worked nearly six years at the gift shop and owner, Brooke Lincoln, who also attended, said he’s a crackerjack.

“Ron is a fabulous employee. He’s one of my No. 1 hands. I can rely on him to be there; he’ll do whatever I ask and if I don’t happen to be there, he’ll make a decision and he knows I’ll back him up.”

Bartender Tammy Schonhans said that she and Ron had been good friends even before the incident.

“I just can’t thank Ron enough,” she said.

Drazen said that he’ll use the gift certificate for Quinn’s once the tourisms season ends as they are too busy right now.