Thursday, February 13, 2025

Mineral County law roundup

| December 1, 2021 12:00 AM

Nov. 10

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 7, Transferred call to MHP, West End Units responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 1, Transferred call to MHP, West End Units responded.

 Controlled Burn, Boyd Mountain, Deborgia, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Assist Outside Agency, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Assist Outside Agency, 5th Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Welfare Check, Long Dog Lane, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Stop, Mullan Road MM 4, Deputy issued warning.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 36, Deputy responded.

 Assist Motorist, I-90 MM 7, Dispatch contacted tow company for assistance.

 Medical Assistance Required, Alder Street, Superior, Deputy and Superior EMS responded.

 Suspicious Activity, Randi Lane, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Nov. 11

 Road Hazard, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 34, Superior EMS and West End Units responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 41, Superior Fire and St. Regis Units responded.

 Littering, Nemote Creek Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Child Welfare, Parkway Drive, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

 Suspicious Activity, Brovold Lane, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 Abandoned Vehicle, MT Highway 135 MM4, Deputy responded.

 Suspicious Activity, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Medical Assistance Required, 4th Street, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 16, Deputy responded.

Nov. 12

 Suspicious Activity, West Deborgia Haugan Frontage Road, Deborgia, Deputy responded.

 Controlled Burn, Camel Hump Road, St. Regis, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Animal Found, Quartz Loop, Superior, Dispatch contacted number on caller and reunited dog with its owner.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 61, Superior EMS and Superior Fire responded.

 Abandoned Vehicle, Coker Lane, Deborgia, Deputy responded and had the vehicle removed.

Nov. 13

 Medical Assistance Required, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, French Town Units responded.

 Suspicious Activity, Old Highway 10, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 Wildland Fire, Sloway Gulch Road, Superior, Transferred call to Forest Service.

 Suspicious Activity, Sloway Gulch Road, Superior, Deputy and Fish and Game responded.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 77, Transferred call to MHP and Missoula County.

 Suspicious Activity, I-90 MM 65, Deputy responded.

 Bon Fire, Shaw Gulch Road, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding bon fire.

 Traffic Stop, Mullan Road MM 4, Deputy issued warning.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 1, Transferred call to MHP.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 55, Deputies responded.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 41, Deputy responded.

 Medical Assistance Required, 3 rd Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Nov. 14

 Traffic Stop, River Street, Superior, Deputy issued warnings.

 Medical Assistance Required, Main Street, St. Regis, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

 Medical Assistance Requires, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

 Theft, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Animal Complaint, Main Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Stop, Mullan Road MM 1, Superior, Deputy issued warnings.

 Road Hazard, I-90 MM 8, Transferred call to MHP.

 One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

 Assist Outside Agency, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Stop, D Street and Main, St. Regis, Deputy issued citations for expired registration and warned for obstructed view and failing to change his address.

 Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

 Suspicious Activity, Cochran Lane, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Stop, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Deputy issued warning.

 Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135 and Old Mill Loop, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

 Traffic Stop, Cold Creek, St. Regis, Deputy issued warning.

 Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy arrested suspect and transferred them to Mineral County Jail, vehicle was towed.

Nov. 15

 Controlled Burn, Boyd Mountain, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Fire, I-90 MM 50, Superior Fire responded.

 Property Damage, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Welfare Check, Saint Regis Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Abandoned Animals, Hidden Meadows Lane, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Animal Complaint, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 VIN Inspection, Aileron Way, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Downed Power Line, Dry Creek Road, Superior, Superior Fire responded.

 Tree Down, Mullan Road MM 11, Dispatch notified DOT.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, Long Dog Lane, Superior, Superior EMS and Superior Fire responded.

 Welfare, 2nd Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

 One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

 Carbon Monoxide Meter, Spruce Street, Superior, Superior Fire responded.

 Fire/Downed Power Line, Country Lane, Superior, Superior Fire responded.

 Downed Trees, I-90 EB MM 22, Deputy, St. Regis Units, and West End Units responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident/Downed Trees, I-90 EB MM 73, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

 Downed Power Lines and Trees, Adams Street, Alberton, French Town Units responded.

 Road Hazard, Camel Hump Road, West End Units Responded.

Nov. 16

 Downed Trees, I-90 WB MM 65, Deputy responded.

 Downed Trees, Mullan Road, Superior, Superior Fire responded.

 Controlled Burn, Boyd Mountain, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Animal Complaint, Old Milwaukee Spur, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 Protection Order Violation, Riverside Drive, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Downed Powerline, Twelvemile Creek Road, Dispatch took information from Northwestern Energy.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 35, Transferred call to MHP.

 Traffic Stop, Johnson Avenue, Superior, Deputy issued citation for driving while suspended or revoked.

 Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warning.

 Traffic Stop, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputy issued warning.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 57, Deputy, Superior EMS and Superior Fire responded.

 Assist Outside Agency, 6 th Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 33, Deputy, St. Regis Units, West End Units responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 27, Deputy, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.