Monday, February 24, 2025

Superior School ski day at Lookout Pass

Mineral Independent | February 3, 2021 12:00 AM

Each year, the Superior School kids in fifth and sixth grades play hooky with their teachers at Lookout Pass Ski and Recreation Area.

The school busses even drive them up and back! And what a terrific time everyone has, which the students and chaperones will all tell you.

About four dozen skiers and snowboarders took a class that was developed for their level of ‘snow-sliding’ and then broke into groups of 5-8 with an adult and spent the rest of the day having a ball. Actually, into the lodge for lunch before getting in line for the chairlifts.

“This is my very first time skiing, but I was up here once before when I was little. When I was 2, I think,” said fifth grader Bella Chaney. “This is pretty fun. And I’m pretty good on one ski but right now I’m not ready for 2. But I think I’ll be ready for 2 skis at the end of the day before we go.”

The entire day was free for the students, as they had strong community support to cover the costs.

Jessica Foust, originally from Moiese but has been a teacher at Superior Elementary for six years, can’t say enough on the generosity to make this day happen.

“So many businesses donate items and gifts for the raffle and then tickets are sold by the students to other community members to pay for the day. It just wouldn’t happen without the support of everyone," Foust said. "For so many kids, this is the only time they ski or snowboard each year.”

Last year this annual treat was canceled due to the pandemic, but it wasn’t going to happen two years in a row. Face masks might not have been an inconvenience this day as they also worked as face warmers even though the day was in the low 30s with high overcast.

“The fact that we bring our own snacks and eat them when we want to, heck ya! It’s a fun day,” sixth grade student Katheryn Gillies said as she snowplowed over to the ski line.