Thursday, March 13, 2025

Sanders County Justice Court

| February 24, 2021 12:00 AM

Montana Highway Patrol

Feb. 9, Paul Gary Williamson, ROW violation-fail to yield to vehicle on through


Feb. 12, Robert Lee Meyer, seatbelt violation

Feb. 8, Emery M. Kinsinger, seatbelt violation, speeding

Feb. 11, Gary D. Bradley, seatbelt violation

Feb. 10, Charles Williams Wilkerson, driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revoked first offense

Feb. 11, Kyle Joseph Burbach, unlawful possession of open alcoholic beverage

container in motor vehicle on highway, careless driving

Feb. 8, Carson Kaye Christensen, speeding

Feb. 11, Cheryl Wood Jackson, speeding

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Feb. 10, Arnold M. Tikka, shooting from/across road or highway ROW

Feb. 11, Barry Ryan Leaf, speeding

Feb. 9, Gregory Pugach, speed

Feb. 11, Melissa S. Bell, speeding

Feb. 8, Chelsey Jeanne Buckner-Willis, disorderly conduct, first offense, privacy in

communications-first offense

Feb. 12, Jennifer G. Morauske-Thrash, speed

Feb. 12, Cory L. Smith, speed