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Noxon School opts for remote learning after positive COVID-19 test

| January 11, 2021 5:05 PM

The Noxon School District is moving to remote learning after learning a high school student tested positive for COVID-19.

According to a letter from the school, the school was notified Thursday, Jan. 7 about the positive test, its only positive case.

The student last was in person-to-person contact with fellow students and staff at Noxon Schools on Monday, Jan. 4. Remote learning will begin Monday, Jan. 11 and end Jan. 15 with students returning to school Monday, Jan. 18. There is no school on Friday, Jan. 8.

Student extracurricular activities, such as basketball, will resume Thursday, Jan. 14 at 4 p.m.

The school also reported it will offer meals (breakfast and lunch) for students next week and will be keeping the same menu. This is extended to household members ages 0-18 years old. School staff and Harlows School Bus services will deliver to their current routes.

For those not planning to receive these meals or have household members who are not enrolled please let us know by responding to this email at

If any staff or students are at risk of exposure, the Sanders County Health Department will be in contact with that person to determine a safe and appropriate course of action. It is still recommended that any person who feels sick or ill should contact their medical provider for specific instructions.

In a letter from the school, "This closure is to allow time for additional deep cleaning and sanitizing as well as allowing time for Sanders County Public Health to conduct contact tracing. We are continuing to work closely with Sanders County Public Health to assist them."

Students in grades 7-12 students will check in with their teachers at their regularly scheduled class times daily using Google Classroom. Elementary students should check in with their classroom teachers to know what assignments to work on at home. It is imperative that all students continue to work and attend all classes.

Due to privacy constraints, Noxon School District was unable to provide additional information regarding the positive COVID-19 case. Staff and students who are determined to be close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case will be contacted individually by Sanders County Public Health during their contact tracing efforts.

According to figures from the state, 15 new coronavirus cases were reported in Sanders County. Two were females between the ages of 10 and 19. The county has 25 active cases and a total of 498.

Five Sanders County residents have died from coronavirus, according to state numbers. 468 people have recovered.

In Montana, there are a total of 84,750 COVID-19 cases, including 713 new ones. The active case count is 4,916.