Monday, February 24, 2025

Trail Rail Run Harvey family

| June 16, 2021 12:00 AM

Cameron Harvey from the husband and wife relay team “Lightning Fast Duo,” reached the Ward Creek aid station mid-afternoon on Saturday to catch his breath and trade off with his wife Lesley Harvey. The couple is from Spokane but Lesley grew up in Bigfork. Cameron stated, "For many years we've talked about doing this race especially with the drives back and forth we see this route along the way, I'm glad we finally did it." The Harveys completed 50 miles from Mullan, Idaho to St. Regis as part of the longest running course the Trail Rail Run offers. Trading off every 10 miles or so Lelsey shared, "Cameron did the 8 miles up the mountain to Lookout Pass, and then I did the next 9 going back down." Lesley then finished off the duo's tag team efforts crossing the finish line at the St. Regis park completing the race in 6:45. (Amy Quinlivan/Mineral Independent)