Thursday, March 13, 2025

Locals welcome return of West End yard sale

Mineral Independent | June 23, 2021 12:00 AM

Since the mask mandate ended and social distancing was removed, a pattern has emerged. The events are back, people are appreciating and enjoying them more than ever!

“After the disappointment of not having a sale last year, it was great to see the community come out and support our Schoolhouse Foundation,” said Lynette Walters, president of the DeBorgia Schoolhouse Foundation, as she recaps the success of the 2021 West End Yard Sale at the DeBorgia Schoolhouse.

“Because of the generous donations of goods from our community, we were able to have a wide array of wonderful items that sold quickly and brought smiles to the shoppers. We also sold lots of tickets for the quilt raffle, which was won by Brooke Calloway of Saltese. It was handmade by a talented board member and was the envy of all those who entered the drawing!” Walters said.

The weather was perfect and the attendees and volunteers alike were all smiling.

“Where else can you have a great hot lunch, gather and catch up on the happenings in the community, all for the great price of only $2?,” Walters said with a smile when talking about the hot dog lunch, which was a big hit, as usual.

Camaraderie and fellowship were enjoyed more than ever as many people were actually seeing and hugging and laughing with friends for the first time in over a full year.

“Our bake sale was a huge draw for many of the locals who know what wonderful bakers we have in our group. The plant sale was another victory for those who were looking for hardy plants and advice on how to plant and nurture them in our area”, she said.

The overall yard sale for 2019 set a record, and 2021 topped that year.

“All the monies we get from this sale help to keep the DeBorgia Schoolhouse open and available for community events in the area,” Walters said.

The DeBorgia School House is rich in history from the Big Burn in 1910, to a thriving, bustling school when the railroad went through town, to what it is today as the Community Center for everything and everyone in the west end.

“We are so blessed to have such wonderful board members who put in countless hours of work organizing the sale, and also so thankful for all of the many community members who donate through offering items to sell, coming out to browse and buy, and just donate because they know what we are working hard to accomplish," Walters said. "We continue to upgrade and maintain the Schoolhouse and strive to make it a place that everyone can utilize when needed.”

For those who might be interested in renting the building for a function, or wish to use it for a community event, you can email which will put you in touch with their coordinator.