Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Mineral County law roundup

| November 17, 2021 12:00 AM

Oct. 27

 Assist Motorist, I-90 Under Exit 61, Deputy responded.

 Medical Assistance Required, 3rd Avenue East, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

 Controlled Burn, Flat Creek, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Controlled Burn, Thompson Peak Trail, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Controlled Burn, Upper Idaho Gulch Road, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Animal Complaint, Quartz Loop, Superior, Transferred call to Fish and Game.

 Traffic Stop, 4th Avenue East and Maple Street, Superior, Deputy issued warnings.

 Road Hazard, I-90 MM 57, Transferred call to MHP.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, Mullan Road East MM 2.5, Transferred call to MHP.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 25, Deputy and MHP responded.

Oct. 28

 Assist Outside Agency, I-90 WB MM 47, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 33, Transferred call to MHP.

 Controlled Burn, Thompson Creek, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Controlled Burn, Dry Fork/Tamarack Creek Road, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Traffic Complaint, Lozeau Crossover Road, Superior, Deputy responded, gone on arrival.

 Controlled Burn, Mullan Road West, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB 33, Transferred call to MHP.

 Animal Complaint, Millan Road East MM 2.5, Dispatch advised Fish and Game.

 Stolen Vehicle, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Assist Citizen, 3 rd Avenue East, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Welfare Check, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Stop, Mullan Road East, Superior, Deputy issued warning for equipment.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 59, Transferred call to MHP.

 Officer Flag Down, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Civil Service, Westfall Road, Superior, Deputies completed civil service.

 Suspicious Activity, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Medical Assistance Required, I-90 MM 18, Superior EMS and West End Units responded.

 Welfare Check, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 Assist Motorist, I-90 MM 12, Transferred call to MHP.

 Threats, West Deborgia Haugan Frontage Road, Haugan, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Stop, Deborgia Haugan Frontage Road, Haugan, Deputy issued citations for operating

vehicle without liability insurance and failure to register vehicle.

 Civil Issue, 6 th Street West, Superior, Deputies responded.

 Suspicious Activity, Deborgia Haugan Frontage Road, Haugan, Deputy responded.

 Medical Assistance Required, 3rd Avenue East, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Oct. 29

 Assistance Motorist, I-90 MM 32, Dispatch contact a tow company to assist.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 27, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

 Welfare Check, Sloway Frontage Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Harassment, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Abandoned Vehicle, Bernie Road, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 54, Transferred call to MHP.

 Suspicious Activity, River Bend Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 16, Transferred call to MHP, St. Regis Units and West End Units responded.

 Livestock, I-90 EB MM 59, Deputy contacted owner, animal secured back into field.

 Assist Outside Agency, Main Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

 Automated Alarm Call, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Dispatch received call back to cancel call as it is a false alarm.

 Noise Complaint, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

 Noise Complaint, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

 Suspicious Activity, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Stop, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Deputies completed traffic stop.

Oct. 30

 Animal Call, Thompson Creek Road, Superior, Deputies responded.

 Animal Call, I-90 EB MM 4, Dispatch contact animal control.

 Natural Gas Smell, Rudolph Court, Haugan, West End Units responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 64, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

 Officer Flag Down, 5th Avenue, Superior, Deputy Coroner, Deputy, Superior EMS responded.

 Traffic Stop, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy issued citations for operating vehicle without liability insurance and failure to register vehicle.

 Assist Motorist, I-90 MM 9, Transferred call to MHP.

 Partner Family Member Assault, Little River Lane, St. Regis, Deputies and Superior EMS responded; suspect transported to Mineral County Jail.

Oct. 31

 Assist Citizen, Abba Lane, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Units Staged, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputies and St. Regis Units staged for Trunk or Treat.

 Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 43, Deputy issued warnings.

 Suspicious Activity, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputies responded.

 Traffic Stop, 2nd Avenue and 1st Street, Superior, Deputy issued warnings.

 Traffic Stop, 2nd Avenue and 3rd Street, Superior, Deputy took suspect into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

 Suspicious Activity, 5th Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Nov. 1

 Medical Assistance Required, Terrace Court, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

 Controlled Burn, Eddy Creek Road, Superior, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 2, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS, St. Regis Units, and West End Units responded.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 31, Transferred call to MHP, Deputy responded, unable to locate.

 Suspicious Activity, Shangrila Lane, Superior, Deputy responded, unable to locate.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 MM 55, Deputy responded, unable to locate.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 MM 39, Deputy responded, unable to locate.

 Assist Citizen, I-90 MM 40, Deputy responded.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 MM 75, Deputies responded.

 Suspicious Activity, Main Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded, unable to locate.

 Disturbance, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputies responded, Deputy transported one to Missoula County Hospital.

Nov. 2

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 27, Transferred call to MHP, St. Regis Units and West End Units responded.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 3, Deputy, Superior EMS, Life Flight and West End Units responded.

 Controlled Burn, Tamarack Creek Road, St. Regis, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 25, Transferred call to MHP.

 Civil Issue, Graham Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

 Abandoned Vehicle, Bernie Road, Alberton, Deputy responded.

 Assist Outside Agency, multiple Superior locations, Deputy assisted.

 Motor Vehicle Incident, Twin Creek Road, Deborgia, Transferred call to MHP.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 54, Transferred call to MHP.

 Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 64, Deputy issued warning for speeding.

 Medical Assistance Required, 2 nd Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

 Abandoned Vehicle, I-90 MM 65, Deputy responded.

 Controlled Burn, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Dispatch took information regarding controlled burn.

 Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 40, Transferred call to MHP.