Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Support for Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act

| November 17, 2021 12:00 AM

Dear Editor,

As an honorary Missoulian, I can confidently say Montanans in particular have a deeply rooted connection to the environment.

Jack Rich, the hardworking owner of local family-owned Rich Ranch, said “our hearts belong to the wildlands, wildlife, and waters...”

The Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act, a bill that Rich

and many other Montanan experts have contributed to over the past two decades, would designate 79,060 acres of new federal wilderness.

This is vital not only because of the 2,013 acres that would be allotted towards snowmobile recreation and the 3,835 acres that would similarly be designated to mountain

bike recreation, but also for the conservation and restoration of the land and water that makes Montana such a special place to be.

The BCSA is supported by the Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation, Wild Montana, the U.S Forest Service, and more than 70% of Montanans.

Despite the BCSA’s popularity, Steve Daines has promised to block this bill from moving forward unless it also includes a bill of his own creation. Daines’ bill would swindle the public out of approximately 300,000 acres of wilderness study area.

Not only does Daines’ proposed bill seem to directly contradict the entire purpose of the BCSA, but Daine’s proposed bill is also only supported by 8% of Montanans.

We need our U.S. Senator to protect our interests, not to advance his pointless and unpopular ideas.

Jordyn Everett, Missoula