Monday, March 10, 2025

Sanders County Justice Court

| November 24, 2021 12:00 AM

Montana Highway Patrol

Kele T. Alden-Odekirk, driving a motor vehicle while privilege to do so is suspended or revokes first offense, speeding

Collin Robert Gundry, speeding

Jacob Devries, ROW violation-fail to yield to vehicle on through highway

Michael Robert Carbis, speeding

James Elmer Williams, seatbelt violation

Jonathan David Dirks, seatbelt violation

Liana Mikhael Leaming-Moffet, careless driving

Adam Edward Lindsay, speeding

Patrick E. Killgore, seatbelt violation

Jeannine Marie Croft, seatbelt violation

Michael Charles Mull, speeding

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Joshua Christopher Fisher, stop sign violation, fail to carry proof or exhibit/insurance in vehicle-owner or operator-third or subsequent offense

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

Jon Alexander Webster, unlawful hunting from public highway-any game animal or game bird

Motor Carrier Services

Benjamin James Reno, fail to register o/s MV when used for hire or person gainfully employed in Montana