Thursday, February 13, 2025

Legals for October, 6 2021

| October 6, 2021 12:00 AM

BSPRA RESOLUTION NO. 2021-2 RESOLUTION ENLARGING THE BIG SKY PASSENGER RAIL AUTHORITY TO INCLUDE STILLWATER, ROSEBUD, CUSTER, AND MINERAL COUNTIES, AND PROVISIONALLY INCLUDING LAKE, LEWIS AND CLARK, ANACONDA-DEER LODGE, BEAVERHEAD, MADISON, SWEET GRASS, YELLOWSTONE, BIG HORN, AND TREASURE COUNTIES BE IT RESOLVED by the Directors of the Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority (the "Authority"), as follows: Section 1. Original Resolution. The Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority was created by a Joint Resolution Creating A Regional Rail Authority, last adopted on November 18, 2020. Section 2. Governance. The powers of the Authority are vested in a board of directors. (1) Appointment of Directors. The Boards of County Commissioners in the original participating counties appointed the initial directors of the Authority. If the Authority expands the number of counties and directors beyond the initial participating counties, each Board of County Commissioners in subsequent added counties will make board appointments to the Authority. (2) Number of Directors. The Authority board membership equals the number of counties in the Authority, with one member appointed by each county. (3) Qualifications of board members. The appointed directors must have an interest in furthering the mission of the Authority and bring varying expertise and knowledge to the Authority. (4) Length of term. Each director will be appointed for a term of three years. Initial terms may be staggered as determined by the board. Section 3. Boundaries of District. Pursuant to MCA 7-14-1639, the limits and boundaries of the Authority may be enlarged to encompass in the aggregate the boundaries as approved by each participating County. The boundary of the area proposed to be included in the Authority for each county shall be the boundary of the county unless designated otherwise. Section 4. Procedure to Expand. Upon receipt of a resolution from a county requesting to join the Authority, notice of an intention to join pending a hearing to be held before the date of the hearing on this Resolution, or the Authority approving counties provisionally, the Authority board will cause to be published the language of this Resolution in the counties participating in the Authority and in any county requesting to join the Authority that the Authority wishes to accept or provisionally accepted county, pursuant to MCA 7-1-2121. If the request to join is granted by the Authority, the Board of County Commissioners of the petitioning county will select, pursuant to its own process, its representative to the board of the Authority. A provisionally accepted County may select, pursuant to its own process, its representative to the board of the Authority contingent upon local approval of a resolution to join the Authority. Provisional acceptance on behalf of the Authority does not obligate any county to join the Authority. Section 5. Request to Join. Stillwater, Rosebud, Custer, and Mineral counties passed resolutions requesting to join the Authority and certified that they held public hearings and published notice of the hearing pursuant to MCA 7-1-2121. Lake, Lewis and Clark, Anaconda-Deer Lodge, Beaverhead, Madison, Sweet Grass, Yellowstone, Big Horn, and Treasure counties have not yet passed resolutions requesting to join the Authority. Section 6. Authority for Public Hearing. Pursuant to MCA 7-14-1621(2) and 7-14-1639, the Authority chair certifies that it published notice of the hearing pursuant to MCA 7-1-2121 in newspapers in the counties that are members of the Authority, in those counties petitioning for membership in the Authority, and in those counties that the Authority provisionally accepts as members of the Authority contingent on those counties passing resolutions requesting membership; published a draft of a proposed resolution as required; and held a duly noticed public hearing at which time the Authority heard public comment on whether to enlarge the Authority by adding Stillwater, Rosebud, Custer, and Mineral counties as a participating counties in the Authority and Lake, Lewis and Clark, Anaconda-Deer Lodge, Beaverhead, Madison, Sweet Grass, Yellowstone, Big Horn, and Treasure as provisionally participating counties contingent on local approval to join the Authority; the boundaries of the Authority if it is to be enlarged; and any other matters that were relevant. Section 7. Enlargement of Authority. By execution of this Resolution, the Authority acknowledges that it received resolutions from Stillwater, Rosebud, Custer, and Mineral counties and approves enlargement of the Authority to add Stillwater, Rosebud, Custer, and Mineral counties as members of the Authority and enlarges the boundary of the Authority to include these counties. The Authority also provisionally approves enlargement of the Authority to include Lake, Lewis and Clark, Anaconda-Deer Lodge, Beaverhead, Madison, Sweet Grass, Yellowstone, Big Horn, or Treasure counties, contingent on each of those counties passing resolutions requesting membership in the Authority. Section 8. New Directors. The Authority accepts or will accept one director appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Stillwater, Rosebud, Custer, and Mineral counties as directors of the Authority to serve in accordance with the Authority's documentation governing directors of the Authority, and will in the future accept one director appointed by the Board of County Commissioners of Lake, Lewis and Clark, Anaconda-Deer Lodge, Beaverhead, Madison, Sweet Grass, Yellowstone, Big Horn, and Treasure contingent on each of those counties passing resolutions requesting membership in the Authority. Adopted following a Public Hearing on October 13, 2021 Big Sky Passenger Rail Authority Dave Strohmaier, Chair Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on September 29 and October 6, 2021. MNAXLP

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AMENDING THE SANDERS COUNTY REFUSE DISTRICT NON-TYPICAL FEE SCHEDULE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Board of County Commissioners' of Sanders County, Montana will hold a public hearing on the 14th day of October, 2021, at 11:00 a.m., in the Commissioners' Conference Room, Second Floor, 1111 Main Street, Thompson Falls, Montana. The Board of Commissioners believe per MCA ยง 7-6-4013, it to be in the best interest that the current fee schedule should reflect current costs to Sanders County and to accurately depict the value of its services provided. For further information, please contact the Sanders County Refuse District, PO Box 519/1111 Main Street, Thompson Falls, Montana 59873, Telephone (406) 827-6942. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners' prior to a hearing if received by the Sanders County Commissioners' Office at least three business days prior to a hearing. All meetings and hearings of the Board are handicapped accessible and if accommodations are necessary, please advise the Commissioners' Office at 406-827-6942. DATED this 22nd day of September, 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sanders County, Montana By/s/Glen E. Magera, Presiding Officer ATTEST: By/s/Nichol Scribner, Clerk and Recorder/Treasurer/Superintendent of Schools Sanders County, Montana Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on September 29 and October 6, 2021. MNAXLP

NOTICE SEEKING QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Board of Sanders County Commissioners is seeking qualified individuals interested in being nominated to serve on the Flathead Reservation Water Management Board for a period of two to four years. General requirements: must be over 18 years of age, a reservation resident, education in one or more of the following fields: natural resources management, public administration, agriculture, engineering, commerce or finance, hydrology, biological sciences, water law, or water policy. If interested, please contact the Sanders County Commissioners office at or 406-827-6966 for an application packet which will include a full description of the duties and responsibilities of the board. DATED this 28th day of September, 2021. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sanders County, Montana By/s/Glen E. Magera, Presiding Officer ATTEST: By/s/Nichol Scribner, Clerk and Recorder/Treasurer/Superintendent of Schools Sanders County, Montana Published in the Clark Fork Valley Press on October 6, 2021. MNAXLP