Friday, January 10, 2025

Thompson Falls resident advocates for wilderness protection

| October 13, 2021 12:00 AM

What are we doing to protect the best ground in Lincoln and Sanders counties in Northwest Montana?

Cabinet Mountain Wilderness Area is under threat from at least two copper mines.

The wilderness is extremely special for reasons in every direction. High mountain scenery, considerable wildlife, streams, waterfalls, birds, wildflowers and great trails.

Jobs do not mean we destroy our best features of wilderness. Mining laws have changed considerably in the last 100 years. Special ground and water quality are much more valuable than copper mines.

The Clark Fork River downhill from the proposed mines has been damaged enough from past mining in the Butte and Anaconda areas. Past mining in these areas turned the river into one of the worst damaged rivers in the world.

The dams contained the metal waste behind them. Our mission on the Planet Earth is to protect our best.

Please call or write your state senators, local commissioners and Montana Governor, Greg Gianforte to support the safety of our beautiful wilderness.


Lon LaBelle, Thompson Falls