Friday, January 10, 2025

Superior Pool project remains alive and well

| September 1, 2021 12:00 AM

At the Aug. 13 Commissioner meeting, a self-appointed spokesman gave his version of “what’s happening with the Pool in the Park?” and he said, “Nothing’s happening.”

We’re writing to correct that misinformation. As President of the Mineral Co. Community Foundation (MCCF), Chair of the Pool Committee, and MCCF grant writer, to say that the fundraising project is very much alive.

We passed out fliers during and after the Fair Parade to anyone interested in our progress, and received many “thumbs up”!

Our fliers showed the numerous grant applications we have submitted and a number of future grant applications. One of the large grant foundations sent back a request for more information which is a very good sign.

Large grants such as the ones we are applying for take time in a good year. The shutdown of 2020 meant our applications would also take longer to review.

A comment at the top of our flier says, “Please be patient. Keep in mind, Choteau 10 ten years to raise funds for their pool!”

We are optimistic that our fundraising efforts won’t take that long, as we want to get the pool built ASAP. The Pool in the Park Committee will once again be hosting public events only when it’s safe due to the recent surge in Covid infections.

By the way, the Committee has raised close to $60,000 with raffles and events, plus a $5,000 pledge from Blackfoot, who has supported us generously throughout our project.

The Town of Superior is setting aside former pool operation funds into a capital investment fund for construction of the pool.

In other words, much is happening towards raising funds for a new pool… it’s just a slow process.

Liz Gupton, Pres. MCCF

Cheryl Crabb, Chair of Pool in the Park

Denyse Traeder, Grant writer for MCCF