Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Veterans Service Officer returns to Mineral County

Mineral Independent | September 29, 2021 12:00 AM

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Alaska has the most veterans per capita than any state, boasting almost 14%. Montana is in second place with a bit more than 12%. Mineral and Sanders Counties are among the top in the state with over 10% each.

For ease of math, there are about 4,200 residents in ‘County 54’ meaning we have close to 420 veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces.

For those who are enrolled in the VA Healthcare System, the new David J. Thatcher Clinic will be opening soon near the Missoula, Montana Airport but until that time, the VA Clinic on Plamer Street continues to provide health care.

If you need a ride for a medical appointment, the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) will chauffer you to them free of charge in their vehicles as far away as Ft. Harrison near Helena.

Just call 406-822-2213 with the date(s) you have appointments and Mary Jo Berry will take it from there.

Many VA medical appointments are now with civilian healthcare providers and those trips are honored as long as the VA has made the appointment. Also, the Mineral County DAV is desperately looking for volunteer drivers.

Most vets are aware of the VA Home Loan which is where you can purchase a home with 0% down, but did you realize that you can use it more than once? If you retired from military service, is your pension the correct amount?

If you have a military related disability, did you know that there are special benefits on top of the monthly earnings? Did you know that you can file for disability long after you were discharged?

All veterans have burial benefits and families of deceased veterans have certain benefits, too. Especially widows living alone. As with most government programs, navigating their information becomes overwhelming to the point you may feel it’s just not worth it.

The State of Montana Veterans Affairs Division knows and understands the frustration of the system, so they have Veteran Service Officers all over the state to help.

Jackie Lamb is a VSO out of Missoula and has been the Mineral County veterans advocate for three years. Her office is at the Western Montana Military Cemetery, 1911 Tower Street.

However, Lamb is coming out to Mineral County, again, to save veterans and their families a trip to Missoula. The pandemic put an end to her trips in March of last year but that is now history, and she will be setting up shop in the Ray Welch American Legion Post 13 building in St. Regis monthly.

“This new location will actually better serve our clients as most of the veterans that came to talk with me in Superior were from St. Regis and the west end of the county,” she said.

Appointments are preferable on the day she is at Post 13, but walk-ins are fine.

“As we get this outreach program fired back up, the schedule is a little wonky,” she said. “October, I’m going to be here on the third Wednesday (the 20th). The next two months will be the second Wednesday (Nov. 9 and Dec. 14) from 10 to 2. That will probably be the schedule, the second Wednesday, from that point on.”

The veterans DD-214 is needed but she suggests calling her to discuss the situation and she can give them a heads-up on what other material she might need.

Asked if she is able to assist in discharge upgrades, Lamb said, “There is a veterans block in Missoula at the university that I can refer them to.”

She wants vets to know that she would like to help them. “If they assume or think they are not eligible, I’d like them to call me because in so many cases they are”.

She can be reached at 406-542-2501.