Monday, February 24, 2025

Sanders County Recycling events

| April 13, 2022 12:15 AM

Sanders County will be having the annual E-waste event on Saturday, June 4 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Thompson Falls Transfer Site. This event is free. Watch for more information in the local newspapers as get closer to the event.


Every week the receipts from our five Refuse District sites pile in, showing folks taking LOTS of used furniture for disposal. It sure

would be great if someone could open a Used Furniture store so we could keep a good portion of these items out of the Missoula landfill. Don’t forget that the Sanders County Online Yard Sale is a really good place to sell or give away used furniture. Taking it to the dump needs to be our last resort.


If you have leaves and grass that you need to dispose of, consider

starting your own compost pile. Better yet, someone (with a good water supply) could start a compost business, take these items for free, turn it into soil, and sell it! We sure could use a

local compost outlet.


Thompson Falls Beautification Days is coming April 21 – 23 and you can sign up as a volunteer to pick up trash! (It’s so rewarding.) If you are elderly or disabled, don’t have family in the area, and need help with your yardwork, call 406-827-

  1. Let volunteers help you out!