Sunday, March 02, 2025

St. Regis commemorates Pearl Harbor Day

Mineral Independent | December 14, 2022 12:00 AM

Dec. 7, marked 81 years since the Empire of Japan violently and deliberately attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. 2,403 soldiers, sailors and airmen lost their lives on that tragic day. On this day, Americans pays tribute and in St. Regis staff and students made a special commemoration.

In remembrance and to honor those killed in the attacks at Pearl Harbor, the St. Regis Student Council and the National Honors Society joined together with the St. Regis Ray Welch Post American Legion Color Guard last Wednesday. The color guard marched into the St. Regis cemetery followed by the students, as Taps was played.

Guidance counselor at St. Regis School, Tyler Cheesman remarked, “We placed 52 wreathes for Veterans who rest at our cemetery. Jen Pruitt, Buffy Cheesman, Morris Hill, Barb Hill, Wyatt Clifford and myself made the wreaths the Sunday evening prior.” One by one students hung the evergreen laurels, representing each military serviceman.

Due to deep snow the handmade wreaths were displayed on wooden hangers in a shoveled-out rectangle. Normally the wreaths would be laid at each veteran’s grave marker. Cheesman noted, “It was originally done by two local disabled Vietnam Veterans who have always hid behind the scenes. They are not able to get around as easily with all the ice and snow anymore so Morris Hill has helped them and headed it up the last couple of years.”


Back left to right, DJ McCoy, Lilly Sansom, Amelya Jensen, Shelby Simkins, Averie Burnham, Macy Hill and Wyatt Todd. Front left to right, Daisy Sansom, Louden Leenhouts, Cody Ovitt, Nathan Bohn and Caleb Ball. (Amy Quinlivan/Mineral Independent)