Monday, February 24, 2025

Mineral County Sheriff's Office calls

| December 28, 2022 12:00 AM


Medical Assistance Required, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Frenchtown Units responded.

One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula County hospital.

Traffic Complaint, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Vehicle Slide Off, Brooklyn Avenue, Superior, Dispatch took information, reporting party advised they have assistance on the way.

Medical Assistance Required, Henderson Lane, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Welfare Check, I-90 EB MM 65, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 43, Transferred call to MHP, Deputy, Superior EMS and Superior Fire responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 23, Transferred call to MHP, Deputies, Superior EMS, and St. Regis Units responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 33, Transferred call to MHP.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 34, Deputy issued warnings.


Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 3, Transferred call to MHP, Deputy, Superior EMS and West End Units responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 10, Transferred call to MHP.

Officer Advice, Spring Gulch Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Welfare Check, Mineral County, Deputy responded.

Assist Outside Agency, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Animal on Roadway, I-90 EB MM 65, Transferred call to MHP and Fish and Game.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 10, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 22, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 21, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

Coroner Call, River Street, Superior, Deputy Coroner responded.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

Assist Outside Agency, I-90 MM 34, Deputy responded.

Automated Alarm Call, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 75, Transferred call to MHP, Frenchtown Units responded.


Assist Citizen, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 47, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 22, Transferred call to MHP.

Animal Complaint, DeBorgia Haugan Frontage Road, DeBorgia, Dispatch contacted animal rescue.

Officer Advice, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 57, Deputy responded.

Standby, Arizona Avenue, Superior, Deputy stood standby at Superior Basketball Game.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 76, Transferred call to MHP.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

Disorderly Conduct, Southside Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 34, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, I-90 MM 22, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 33, Deputy issued citation for speeding.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 34, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 32, Deputy issued warnings for missing taillights.

Assist Citizen, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 33, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Cold Creek, St. Regis, Deputy issued warnings for stop sign violation and failure to use turn signals.


Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 32, Transferred call to MHP.

Animal Complaint, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, Cougar Meadows Drive, St. Regis, Superior EMS responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 63, Deputy issued warnings.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 48, Deputy issued warning for taillight being out.

Assist Outside Agency, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Welfare Check, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warning for speeding.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warning.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 33, Deputy issued warning for speed.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 35, Deputy issued warning.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 33, Deputy issued warning.

Traffic Stop, I-90 WB MM 32, Deputy issued warning for speeding.

Traffic Stop/Medical Assistance Required, I-90 WB MM 33, Deputy issued warning, Superior EMS responded.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 32, Deputy issued warning for taillight being out.

Medical Assistance Required, I-90 MM 65, Frenchtown Units responded.


Officer Advice, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 WB MM 10, Transferred call to MHP.

Officer Advice, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputy responded.

Assist Motorist, I-90 WB MM 5, Dispatch contacted a tow company for assistance.

Medical Assistance Required, Pardee Flat Road, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Motor Vehicle Fire, I-90 EB MM 1, Transferred call to MHP, West End Units responded.

Medical Assistance Required, West DeBorgia Haugan Frontage Road, Haugan, Superior EMS and West End Units responded.

Vehicle Slide Off, I-90 WB MM 16, West End Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 10, Transferred call to MHP.

Welfare Check, McKinley Avenue, Superior, Deputies responded.

Assist Outside Agency, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.


Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 16, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 16, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS, St. Regis Units, and West End Units responded.

Animal Complaint, I-90 WB MM 47, Transferred call to MHP.

Welfare Check, 3rd Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 30, Transferred call to MHP.

Assist Outside Agency, Two Rivers Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 36, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Assist Citizen, Peters Flat Road, Superior, Deputy assisted.

Animal Complaint, I-90 WB MM 16, Transferred call to MHP.

Suspicious Activity, Mill Creek Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Theft, Riverside Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 56, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and Superior Fire responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued warning for bright auxiliary lights.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Disturbance, Spruce Street, Superior, Deputy issued citation for disorderly conduct.


Chimney Fire, Elk Lane, Superior, Superior Fire responded.

Civil Issue, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 77, Transferred call to MHP.

Abandoned Motor Vehicle, I-90 WB MM 17, Transferred call to MHP.

Trespass, Diamond Match Road, Superior, Deputies responded, took one into custody and transported them to Mineral County Jail.

VIN Inspection, Fern Acres Lane, Superior, Deputy responded.

Civil Standby, Pioneer Lane, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 62, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and Superior Fire responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 10, Transferred call to MHP, West End Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 16, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 4, Transferred call to MHP, West End Units responded.

Welfare Check, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 49, Transferred call to MHP, Superior Fire and St. Regis Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 33, St. Regis Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 75, Frenchtown Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 2, Transferred call to MHP, West End Unit responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy issued citation for stop sign violation and warning for passing in a no passing zone.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 70, Transferred call to MHP, Frenchtown Units responded.

Mental Health Issue, Tami Drive, Superior, Deputies and Superior EMS responded.

Vehicle Slide Off, I-90 MM 47, Transferred call to MHP, Deputy responded.

Assist Outside Agency, 6th Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Life Flight to a Missoula County hospital.

Welfare Check, C Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Disturbance, West DeBorgia Haugan Frontage Road, Haugan, Deputies, Superior EMS and West End Units advised.

Assist Motorist, I-90 MM 33, Deputy responded.