Wednesday, March 12, 2025

St. Regis all-class reunion planned for July 16

Mineral Independent | July 6, 2022 12:00 AM

The aftereffects of the pandemic for annual events and festivities that were cancelled over the last few years is almost like starting all over again with the very first one.

People who graduated from St. Regis High School, or even attended and moved away before graduating, are asked to share with your classmates that the St. Regis All Class Reunion potluck is back on track. It will be Saturday, July 16 starting at 10 a.m. in the St. Regis Community Park.

This will be the first one since 2019 and Ron Forest, Chairman of the Reunion Board, said it will again be for alumni and their families.

“We used to send letters out to everyone that we had addresses for but that got too expensive, so we’re trying Facebook and seeing if we can’t let everyone know that way instead.”

Forest said it will be a lunch where everyone is asked to bring a dish to share and he’s happy to answer questions by calling him at (406) 678-4255. He also shared that they hope some of the younger people attend and volunteer to run with the ball.

“I graduated (from St. Regis High School) 59 years ago and we could use some help putting this together.”

In 1963, the year Forest graduated with 17 other seniors, Bennett Lumber Mill was the biggest employer in St. Regis. It’s somewhat ironic that the location of that mill is where the potluck on July 16 is taking place as there are many who had family that worked there.

When asked if Forest was the oldest at these reunions, he said, “Oh heck no! I’m only 77 and we’ve got some old people that show up.”

It’s advisable to bring lawn chairs and utensils because this could be a larger than normal turnout as many acquaintances haven’t seen each other for two years.