Tuesday, February 11, 2025

'Better Together' event planned for Sunday

| July 13, 2022 12:00 AM

A local group of Mineral and Sanders County residents are holding another event this year to pull friends and neighbors together to celebrate what unites us as communities. The second annual “Better Together: A Community Celebration” will feature music, speakers, games for children, plus food and beverages.

It is set for Sunday, July 17 at the Mineral County Fairgrounds from 3-5 p.m.

Treasure State Values (TSV), comprised of folks from Mineral and Sanders Counties, came together to organize the family-friendly event around the idea that working together for equality and justice will build a strong community for everyone. The Montana Human Rights Network is co-sponsoring.

Since a large part of TSV’s mission is to provide educational events, this year’s theme is “Montana’s Many Immigrants.” It will include speakers providing historical context about some of the people from other cultures who have moved to Montana and their ensuing stories, along with representatives from organizations currently working with immigrants and refugees. TSV plans to fold some of the presenters into an upcoming speakers’ series this fall.

The keynote speaker for the Better Together celebration is Missoula Rabbi Laurie Franklin, who will discuss how both sides of her family left Europe in the 1910s and 1920s to escape antisemitism. Gayle Morrison and Susie Miller will share their experiences working with Hmong refugees who started coming to the Missoula area in the early 1980s. John Skinner will talk about the work Valley Neighbors of the Flathead is currently doing with immigrants and refugees.

Better Together will also feature food provided by TSV members, music coordinated by Alberton’s Dick Darne, and games organized by Superior’s Chris Clairmont.