Saturday, March 01, 2025

Hunter ed course planned in August

| July 13, 2022 12:00 AM

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will be holding an in-person classroom hunter education course Monday, Aug. 8 through Friday, Aug. 12 from 6-9 p.m. in the Superior Ranger District Office, 309 West Riverside Ave.

However, a mandatory orientation will take place at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 25 in the same location to hand out course materials, assign pre-work, provide overview of the course, and answer any questions. A field day with test is all day Saturday, Aug. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Mineral County Shooting Association's Sports Center off the I-90 Lozeau exit east of Superior. Bring lunches and drinks to the Saturday event.

Students attending this Hunter Education course must attend ALL sessions: orientation, classes, and field/test day to receive certification, as well as a passing grade on the test and conduct themselves in a responsible manner throughout the course.

Registration for this course is required on-line at the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks website under the "Education" tab. Students ages 10-11 can take the in-person course and hunt as an Apprentice but will not be fully certified until the year they turn 12. All registrants for this event must be 10 years of age by Aug. 13, 2022. 25 seats are available.

Hunter education courses cover basic information and skills related to the safe handling of firearms as well as basic instruction in wildlife management, game identification, landowner/hunter relations, hunter ethics, and Montana hunting laws and regulations. To purchase or apply for a Montana hunting license, anyone born after Jan. 1, 1985, must complete a hunter education course issued by Montana, any other state, or any Canadian province.

The course is free any questions should be directed to Debra Regan (406) 531-3326