Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Veterans honored at Superior picnic

Mineral Independent | June 29, 2022 12:00 AM

The weather was perfect for a barbecue on Sunday, where a few dozen veterans and their families were guests of honor at the Mineral County Fairgrounds.

The presentation of the colors by American Legion Post 13 in St. Regis officially started the day followed by a prayer from Glenn Koepke and the Pledge of Allegiance. Superior Community Outreach president, Mary Jo Berry, said the picnic only happened because of the volunteers of the organization.

“Let’s see. Patty (Pickering), Linda (Zimmer), Nancy (Acheson), Glenda (Harris), Gretchen (Webb), Jenni (Tubbs), Tammi (Demien),” as she looked around at the red, white and blue skirted tables and stage. “Who am I forgetting?” she asks herself.

Lemonade, coffee, pulled-pork sandwiches, Caesar, potato and macaroni salads along with coleslaw, baked beans with patriotic cupcakes were enjoyed outside while Dick Darne and his son played stringed instruments and sang on stage. The Cabin Fever Quilters were on hand giving quilts away free of charge to all veterans that were in attendance.

“I think it’s near, or even over 230 quilts now,” said member Peggy Temple when asked how many have been donated since they started this 20 years ago. “Ten today, so far,” grinned Margaret Olson, who has been president of the quilters for a year.

For the past five years, Superior Community Outreach has held an event for veterans for Armed Forces Day in May, but this year it had to be re-scheduled because the volunteers were busy or away and they had trouble using the schools because of the floor, Berry said.

“So, this year we decided we were just going to do a barbecue and then next year, hopefully we can work something out with the elementary or high school and continue to do it on Armed Forces Day.”

No speakers or programs were scheduled for the afternoon, but a plea from Berry was crystal clear when she took center stage.

“We need volunteer drivers to keep the DAV (Disabled American Veterans) free rides to medical appointments alive. Drivers do not have to be a veteran and after about a 2-month background check and proof of the Covid vaccine shot, we’ll show you he ropes on how to use the 2 DAV vehicles we keep at the courthouse. Believe me, it may not pay, but the time visiting with veterans on the trip to Missoula is better than money.”

Berry is also the DAV Coordinator for the county and said it’s down to herself and Koepke as drivers and they need some assistance. She is more than happy to answer questions and explain the program to anyone by calling her at (406) 822-2213.

“My dad was a veteran, and I just love the veterans of Mineral County,” she explained on what her motivation has been to be of such service to veteran community.

If anything was missing on this glorious afternoon, it was the younger veterans. Those that served in Iraq and Afghanistan. But they are also missing in veterans service organizations as well. American Legions and Veterans of Foreign Wars nationwide have members aging out and do not know what it takes to recruit the next generation.

Veterans are invited to attend an American Legion Post 13 meeting on the first Monday of every month at 1600 hours at the HQ Building, 55 Mill Creek Road in St. Regis.