Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mineral County Sheriff's Office logs

| March 2, 2022 12:00 AM


Welfare Check, Mullan Gulch Road, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 18, Transferred call to MHP, St. Regis Units responded.

Traffic Stop, MT Highway 135 SB, Deputy issued citation for speeding.

Suspicious Activity, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputies responded.

Assist Motorist, I-90 MM 4, Transferred call to MHP.

Automated Alarm Call, Tiger Street, St. Regis, Dispatched received call from Principal advising that a power outage tripped the alarm and everything is OK.


Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 31, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS, St. Regis Units, and West End Units responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 43, Transferred call to MHP.

Automated Alarm Call, Old Highway 10, St. Regis, Dispatch contacted alarm owner who stated everything was OK.

Suspicious Activity, Larch Lane, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Civil Service, Cord Lane, Superior, Deputy attempted civil service, negative contact.

Assist Motorist, I-90 WB MM 54, Transferred call to MHP.

Traffic Stop, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy issued citation for speeding.

Civil Service, Pine Street, St. Regis, Deputy attempted civil service, negative contact.

Civil Service, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Deputy attempted civil service, papers served.

Intoxicated Subject, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Medical Assistance Required, 5th Avenue, Superior, Deputies and Superior EMS responded.


Assist Motorist, I-90 EB MM 66, Transferred call to MHP.

Mental Health Issue, Garcia Loop, Superior, Deputy Coroner and French Town Units responded.

Child Welfare Check, Railroad Avenue, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Property Lost, River Street, Superior, Dispatch took information about missing item.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 MM 23, Transferred call to MHP.

Civil Service, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy attempted civil service, negative contact.

Civil Service, Mullan Road, Superior, Deputy attempted civil service, papers served.

Automated Alarm Call, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Dispatch received call from alarm owner who stated everything was OK.

Traffic Stop, I-90 EB MM 9, Deputy issued warning.

Traffic Stop, River Avenue, Superior, Deputy issued warning.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 22, Transferred call to MHP, Deputy responded.


Medical Assistance Required, Mullan Gulch Road, St. Regis, Superior EMS responded.

Trespass, Two Rivers Road, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Dead Animal on Roadway, MT Highway MM 7, Transferred call to MHP and Sanders County.

Theft, MT Highway 135, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Disturbance, 3rd Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Traffic Stop, Riverside Avenue, Superior, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Traffic Stop, Rivers Street, St. Regis, Deputy completed traffic stop.

Assist Motorist, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Suspicious Activity, Parkway Drive, Alberton, Deputy responded.


Assist Motorist, I-90 WB MM 7, Deputy responded

Traffic Complaint, I-90 MM 2, Transferred call to MHP.

Disturbance, Main Street, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

One Way Transport, Superior EMS responded transported patient from Mineral Community Hospital to a Missoula hospital.

Theft, Mullan Gulch, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Disturbance, River Street, Superior, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 55, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 18, Dispatch contact a tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 1, West End Units responded.

Disturbance, Mountain Springs Lane, Alberton, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 16, Transferred call to MHP.


Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 47, Deputy responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 33, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 47, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and Superior Fire responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 72, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 Off Ramp MM 47, Transferred call to MHP, Superior Fire responded, Dispatch contacted a tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 60, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 66, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 24, Transferred call to MHP, Dispatch contact a tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 26, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 64, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 30, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and St. Regis Units responded.

Suspicious Activity, Long Dog Lane, Superior, Deputy responded.

Assist Motorist, I-90 WB MM 26, Transferred call to MHP, Dispatch contacted a tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 72, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

Harassment, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputy responded.

Assist Motorist, I-90 MM 70, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 24, Dispatch contact a tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 66, Transferred call to MHP, French Town units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 25, Transferred call to MHP, Deputy responded, Dispatch contact a tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 5, Transferred call to MHP, Superior EMS and West End Units responded.

Burning Complaint, Randi Lane, St. Regis, Deputy responded.

Traffic Complaint, I-90 EB MM 65, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Complaint, I-90 MM 21, Transferred call to MHP.

Assist Motorist, I-90 WB MM 9, Dispatch contact a tow company for assistance.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 69, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 24, Transferred call to MHP, Deputies and West End Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 70, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.


Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 22, Transferred call to MHP, Deputies and West End Units responded.

Road Hazard, I-90 WB MM 54, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 21, Transferred call to MHP.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 22, Transferred call to MHP, West End Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 67, Transferred call to MHP.

Coroner, 4th Avenue, Superior, Deputy Coroner responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 73, Transferred call to MHP, French Town Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 WB MM 16, Transferred call to MHP, West End Units responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 67, Transferred call to MHP.

Medical Assistance Required, Bestwick Way, Alberton, French Town Units responded.

Medical Assistance Required, 3rd Avenue, Superior, Superior EMS responded.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 MM 54, Dispatch took information from caller who advised a town company is already en route.

Motor Vehicle Incident, I-90 EB MM 5, Dispatch contacted a tow company for assistance.