Friday, January 10, 2025

Plains Council OKs easement with Clark Fork Valley Hospital

by TRACY SCOTT Valley Press
| May 11, 2022 12:00 AM

The monthly Plains town council meeting had a full agenda Monday evening with all council members present and well attended by the public.

The meeting was called to order and the pledge of allegiance was recited by all present. Minutes from the previous meeting was approved and Mayor Dan Rowan gave the following report.

Construction of buildings started this week on the Lagoon project, as well as the finishing touches on the old jailhouse. Photos of both projects can be found on the Town of Plains government Facebook page.

The Council will be reviewing candidates for the recently vacated Public Works position and a temporary worker will be hired until the final candidate can be hired.

The Plains public pool is needing lifeguards for the June 1st opening. Only two individuals have applied so far. Those interested must be 15 years of age by June 1st. The town provides the training. Applications are available at the town office and at the school. If you have questions, call Cathy Emmett at 826-3411, ext. 2.

Mayor Rowan discussed possible changes in property setbacks for future town growth.

The sole bid for the upcoming ARPA water project was awarded to the local firm SAJ Engineering. The purchase for a future water well location was approved at the cost of $39,500 plus closing costs.

An easement with Clark Fork Valley Hospital was approved for a proposed five lot subdivision along Kruger road. The lots would be used for housing temporary workers for the hospital. Water and sewer would be paid for by the town of Plains.

Mayor Rowan stated that the new additions would be a win-win situation for the town and its future growth.

Public comment over an abandon trailer near the public pool was raised by Pat Killgore. He has expressed interest in purchasing the trailer and moving it to another location in town. Current local ordinances does not allow a trailer that old to be relocated within town limits. Council member Chris Allen proposed that the Public Service Committee should review the ordinance and suggested that before mobile homes can be moved, that a qualified inspector inspect the home before it could be relocated.

Charles Bichenhauser gave a presentation to the town council on a possible addition to the town pool area to replace the existing wading pool called a splash pad. Two designs were raised for consideration. The first design was rejected outright because of excessive water requirements. A water recirculation design system would be studied further.

This summers paving projects are still in the works with Farmer St. being a priority.