Friday, March 14, 2025

Fair commission talks ticketing, insurance

| May 18, 2022 12:00 AM

The Sanders County Fair Commission held its regular meeting Wednesday, May 11, at the fairgrounds with a full agenda for the upcoming fair. All board members were present.

First on the agenda, after the meeting was called to order, was public participation on non-agenda items. Brian Reed, who had been a regular food vender at the fair, asked the board members about his being denied a booth in this year’s upcoming fair. Reed was also concerned about the requirements of a $500,000 liability insurance policy on food booths. After much discussion Board members were able to find a booth for Reed.

Justin Wright was next to address the commission and is proposing adding an ag mechanics booth to the fair this year. A booth that individuals can enter projects, they have built, of all types related to the agriculture industry like utilities trailers and picnic tables, Wright said that he believes the Great Falls fair is the only one in Montana that has an ag program similar to the one he is proposing. He hopes to involve 4H and the school industrial arts programs for future fairs.

One of the new agenda items discussed was the purchase of the booth contents from the Paradise Methodist Church with a purchase price of $1,000. The value of the booth contents estimated at $1,800. The commission voted to purchase the booth contents.

Next up on the new item’s agenda was a discussion on amending the bylaws of the commission to address board travel expenses. Keeping the Sanders County Fair up to date with new ideas and attractions required some board members to travel. Concern for those members out of pockets expenses will be addressed in future Commission meetings.

The board of directors employed a new ticketing company last year only to find out that the 2022 fair year will be the company's last year in business. A replacement ticket company will be addressed in upcoming meetings.

Volunteers for the 4-H program will be doing several improvements at the fair this year including maintenance around the horse stalls and help with renovations on the water system at the horse barn.

Board members were also hoping to add more RV hookups at the fairgrounds as well as the possibility of using the fairgrounds to house animals during local emergencies.

Major work on the new fair website has been completed, thanks to Halley Coe at