Friday, February 28, 2025

Junior Rodeo Princess applications sought

Mineral Independent | May 18, 2022 12:00 AM

The Superior Lions Club needs you. That is if you’re a young woman between the ages of 13 and 20. And you’ve lived in Mineral County for a minimum of six months. Plus, you need to have been involved in community service. And you know, and love horses.

They are seeking applications for the 2022 Junior Rodeo Princess. The Junior Rodeo Princess will serve along with current Rodeo Princess, Bailey Hansen, and this year’s Rodeo Queen, Heather Haskins, during the Go for the Gold Rodeo. And that crowd pleaser is during the Mineral County Fair in Superior Friday, August 5 and Saturday, August 6 at the fairgrounds.

The winning candidate for Junior Rodeo Princess will receive $50 cash and a $50 gift certificate to Mountain West Co-Op (CENEX) to help defray the cost of her outfit. Plus, a custom handmade sash from world renowned sash maker Wendy Russ. Both the Rodeo Princess and Rodeo Queen will receive genuine silver crowns, made by Montana Silversmiths, donated by Lincolns Silver Dollar Bar, in Haugan, Montana. The Rodeo Princess this year, was the Junior Rodeo last year. And the Rodeo Queen this year, was the Rodeo Princess last year. It’s a three-year commitment as they simply move up the ladder and look for a new Junior Rodeo Princess every year.

The deadline to apply for Superior Lions Rodeo Junior Princess 2022 is Wednesday, June 22. Applications can be picked up at the following locations: Darlows Quality Foods in Superior. Alberton High School. Superior High School and St. Regis High School.

For Questions or more information, call Shawn Heyer, (406) 822-4553 or cell (406) 241-3678.E-mail